NexGen® Legacy® Constrained Condylar Knee (LCCK)
Allow a surgeon to convert from a NexGen primary implant to a stemmed LCCK implant intraoperatively. Designed for use in difficult primary and revision knee surgeries. Provides stabilization with an elevated tibial spine and deeper femoral intercondylar box that accommodates a range of motion in excess of 120 degrees.
2 | NexGen LCCK Surgical Technique The NexGen Legacy Constrained Condylar Knee (LCCK) components are designed for use in both primary and revision surgeries (Figure 1). The NexGen Revision Instruments are an intramedullary referencing system. All femoral and tibial cuts are based from reamers or stem extension provisionals located
Condylar Knee (LCCK) Surgical Technique. Indications for Use The NexGen Trabecular Metal LCCK Coupled Tibial Cones are intended for use where severe degener-ation, trauma, or other pathology of the knee joint indicates total knee arthroplasty. When used with the NexGen Complete Knee Solution – Legacy Constrained
髁限制型人工膝系统NexGenLCCK手术 - 百度百科
经典型髁限制型人工膝系统(LCCK),是一种用于畸形严重,病变复杂膝关节病的一种人工关节。 具体地讲它可用于下列两种情况:①病膝的关节畸形严重,外翻或内翻固定畸形达到20°以上,屈曲挛缩达到30°以上的病人,可用LCCK来做初次人工膝置换术;②用作人工膝置换术后的翻修手术。 凡做翻修手术首先要弄清以前失败的原因,否则在翻修时仍会犯以前的错误。 在进行手术前必须选好切口,要考虑它的软组织情况,伸膝机制的功能,如何保留骨量和取出假体等因素 …
NexGen ® Legacy ® Constrained Condylar Knee (LCCK) The NexGen LCCK is intended for patients who, in the surgeon's judgment, require additional stabilization due to inadequate mediolateral, anteroposterior, and varus/valgus ligament function, and require augmentation and/or stem extensions due to inadequate bone stock.
NexGen Legacy Constrained Condylar Knee (LCCK) - Zimmer Biomet
Allows a surgeon to convert from a NexGen primary implant to a stemmed LCCK implant intraoperatively. Designed to help address additional fixation needs within the proximal tibia and distal femur. Available in multiple shapes and sizes. Tibial and femoral augments available in Trabecular Metal material.
三间隔膝关节假体 NexGen® Legacy® - MedicalExpo
NexGen LCCK 髁限制型膝关节假体用于前/后侧、内/外侧和内翻/外翻韧带功能不足而需要假体额外稳定,或者因骨量不足需要加强垫片和/或股骨柄延伸的患者。
Zimmer® NexGen® Legacy® Constrained Condylar Knee - Zimmer …
2011年4月19日 · Zimmer Biomet TV provides a comprehensive video catalog of instructional and educational content to support healthcare professionals in their practice and enhance patient care.
NexGen® Legacy® Constrained Condylar Knee (LCCK)
Allow a surgeon to convert from a NexGen primary implant to a stemmed LCCK implant intraoperatively. Designed for use in difficult primary and revision knee surgeries. Designed to help address additional fixation needs within the proximal tibia and distal femur.
The NexGen ® Legacy Constrained Condylar Knee (LCCK) components are designed for use in both primary and revision surgeries (Fig. 1). The NexGen Revision Instruments are an intramedullary referencing system. All femoral and tibial cuts are based from Reamers or Stem Extension Provisionals located within the medullary canal.