NEXEM Relays | World Products Inc.
NEXEM (formerly NEC-Tokin) has been a market leader in high reliability, miniaturized signal relays for over 40 years. We have a wide range of low profile and slim surface mount and through-hole packages, along with low power consumption options.
EM Devices
(AC Relays/High Voltage DC Relays) NEXEM provides high current/voltage capacity types and can accept PHEV and EV application. More
NEXEM 的优势 | EM 设备公司
公司名称中的EM是指继电器工作原理,是Electro Mechanical 的缩写,代表电子原件中具有电气和机械特性。 我司是于2017年4月成立的,但从事继电器业务已有半个世纪。 我司将凭借半个世纪的技术力不断满足客户的需求。 我们的目标是“研发下一代继电器”。 公司品牌“NEXEM”是 NEXT EM Device的组合。 表达了公司研发下一代产品的决心。 Copyright © EM Devices Corporation. All rights reserved.
The NEXEM EX2/EX1 series is PC-board mount type and the most suitable for various motor and heater controls for automobiles which require high quality and high performance. The EX2 series is succeeding for about 60% of miniaturization compared to ET2 series.
NEXEM -Miniature Power Relays | World Products Inc.
NEXEM (formerly NEC-Tokin) has been supplying Automotive Power Relays for over 25 years, on many Automotive switching applications such a RKE, Power Windows, Memory Seats, Sunroof Control, Shift Transfer, etc. NEC was the first to offer a dual (twin) relay for reversing (H-bridge)
NEXEM Signal Relays - Newark Electronics
Buy NEXEM Signal Relays. Newark Electronics offers fast quotes, same day dispatch, fast delivery, wide inventory, datasheets & technical support.
nexem是*家机电设备制造商,自1955年以来*直在制造用于控制电气和电子电路的“继电器”。 继电器从字面上看是*种传递电力的组件。 包括汽车在内的各种家用和工业设备都由继电器安全可靠地控制并发挥其功能。
EA2-5NU NEXEM, 信号继电器, 5 VDC, DPDT, 1 A, EA2, 通孔安装,
购买 ea2-5nu - nexem - 信号继电器, 5 vdc, dpdt, 1 a, ea2, 通孔安装, 非闭锁。e络盟中国 专属优惠、当天发货、快速交付、海量库存、数据手册和技术支持。
NEXEM 信号继电器 | e络盟 中国 - element14 Community
购买 NEXEM 信号继电器。 e络盟中国 提供特价、当天发货、迅速交付、丰富的库存、数据手册和技术支持。
NEXEM UC2/UD2继电器是新一代微型信号继电器,超紧凑尺寸,低背 特征 安装面积小、低背,适合高密度安装 Telcordia (2500 V) 和 FCC (1500 V) 浪涌耐压 IEC62368-1/EN62368-1绝缘距离(基本绝缘,200V工作电压) 低功耗 (100-140 mW)