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T2815 - NEXO
T4805 is the centerpiece to GEO T vertical tangent array system design. The 5° Hyperboloid Reflective Wavesource is optimized so that multiple GEO loudspeakers coherently radiate tangent wavefronts, allowing these curved vertical arrays to deliver consistent front-to-rear SPL across all coverage areas.
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GEO T Series - NEXO
GEO Technology is equally effective in designing and deploying tangent horizontal arrays or curved vertical arrays. For best results in a specific application the user needs to know how multi-speaker arrays interact with audience geometry, along with the benefits and drawbacks of curved vertical arrays and horizontal arrays.
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GEO T の各アレイモジュールには、NEXOの工場で取り付けられた個々のリギングシステムが含まれています。 しています。GEO T2815 にはプッシュピンBLGEOT12-30 が4個付
View and Download Nexo GEO T Series T4805 user manual online. T4805 5° Tangent Array Module T2815 15° Tangent Array Module CD18 Directional Sub-bass. GEO T Series T4805 speaker system pdf manual download. Also for: Geo t series t2805, Geo t series cd18.
A comprehensive understanding of GEO theory, tangent arrays, and specific features of the GEO T Series will help you to operate your system at its full potential.
Nexo GEO T Tangent Array - DoctorProAudio
El GEO T2820 Vertical/Horizontal Tangent Array Module es similar al anterior pero carece de los altavoces que apuntan hacia atrás y tiene una cobertura vertical ajustable de 8 a 20 grados, con una dispersión horizontal de 120 grados.
GEO T4805 DATA Sheet - Nexo - Yumpu
YUMPU automatically turns print PDFs into web optimized ePapers that Google loves. <strong>GEO</strong> <strong>T4805</strong><br /> <strong>GEO</strong> …
Nexo GEO T User Manual - ManualMachine.com
2010年5月10日 · A comprehensive understanding of GEO theory, tangent arrays, and specific features of the GEO T Series will help you to operate your system at its full potential.
NEXO GEO-T, GEO-D, GEO CD18 Subbass - Front of House
2007年8月21日 · The GEO-Ds are more conventional looking, but still use a hyperbolic wavesource design, with a five-degree waveguide. Their vertical dis-persion is dependent upon the array design, and horizontal coverage is configurable at 80 or 120 degrees.
Nexo GEO T Series T2805 Manuals | ManualsLib
Manuals and User Guides for Nexo GEO T Series T2805. We have 1 Nexo GEO T Series T2805 manual available for free PDF download: User Manual