From system storage and configuration, through transportation and rigging, to wiring and amplification, STM delivers important operational and logistical cost savings at every stage of the process.
STM 的“通过模块化扩展”概念的核心是一系列完备的附件,可以快速、轻松地配置和部署适合任何类型活动的适当大小和规模的系统。 有关详细信息和数据表,请参阅此处。
Overview – NEXO
In developing STM, NEXO considered not only the versatility and performance of the system in use, but also its efficiency of operation at every stage of the live sound rental process. Modular dollies, road-ready casing and universal amp racks deliver significant savings in operational costs, further enhancing return on investment.
NEXO系列 / STM_法国NEXO力素音响--China中文网站
STM代表线阵列技术中的一项重要成就,并结合了许多专利开发,包括无需干扰的HF求和的3D双曲反射器,用于确保S118次通风中平滑气流的声学喷嘴,用于提高M28效率的新型通风口设计和M46模块,以及用于M28全向模块中可变水平分散的CCD专利技术,以及索具系统的 ...
Review: Nexo STM — AudioTechnology
2012年11月1日 · The Nexo Universal Amp Rack feeds 12 STM modules in any combination in groups of three. Comprising NXAMP4x4 amplifiers, two digital input patches, two digital output patches and network card (Ethersound or Dante), the NUAR forms a compact, powerful and scalable amplification solution for STM systems of any size.
Nexo STM-M2890 - Empire Pro
Injection-moulded all-purpose loudspeaker cabinet which fulfils the role of downfill, providing 90°/120° of horizontal dispersion and 0° to 15° splaying angle between modules. Same width …
Nexo STM: Summer of Love? - AudioTechnology
2013年4月17日 · We talk to three of Australia’s busiest engineers about what they thought about STM over the summer. The story so far: Nexo has bet the farm on a new flagship PA. Why is it a gamble? Because it’s not another gigantic line array in the mould of …
2023中关村论坛 | NEXO STM音箱保驾护航|音响|扩声|stm|超低频
2023年6月16日 · STM M28内含2个8寸低频单元,2个2.5寸高频音圈能让峰值声压达到惊人的141dB,在频响65Hz-19kHz表现出色。 搭配STM S118超低频音箱(18寸低频驱动单元,峰值声压可达143dB)。
NUAR(NEXO Universa Amp Rack: NEXOユニバーサルアンプアンプラック)は、STMシリーズのシステム規模に応じてスケーラブルなアンプ&プロセッシングソリューションを提供します。
力素 NEXO STM M28 双8寸线阵音响_环球音响网 - pro001.com
力素 NEXO STM M28 双8寸线阵音响M28分一多功能的注塑模胶箱体下方补声模组,提供水平120°与箱间垂直0°-15°的覆盖.与M46模组一样宽,高度为其2/3,可跟M46与B112吊挂或独立使用.2x8寸低频驱动单元 4x4寸中驱动单元 1X高频压缩驱动单元 140dB峰值声压 频响:60Hz-20kHz 高 ...