Nexxen is the flexible advertising platform that connects data to deliver desired outcomes. As a unified demand- and sell-side platform with an integrated data management system and …
Nexxen - Wikipedia
Nexxen (formerly Tremor International Ltd.) is a New York-based, publicly traded online advertising company. Founded in 2007, it focuses on digital advertising, including video, …
Welcome to Nexxen | Nexxen
For over a decade, our business has been at the cutting edge, bridging new opportunities in ways that others have not. Our capabilities expanded and our headcount grew, as we acquired new …
NEXEM’s Strength | EM Devices
Our brand "NEXEM" is a combination of "Next", which indicates the next generation, and "EM (Electromechanical)", which is the principle of relay. The intention is to build the next …
Overview - Nexxen International
Nexxen is the flexible adtech platform that connects data and delivers desired outcomes. Nexxen empowers advertisers, agencies, publishers and broadcasters around the world to utilize data …
NEXEM 的优势 | EM 设备公司
公司名称中的EM是指继电器工作原理,是Electro Mechanical 的缩写,代表电子原件中具有电气和机械特性。 我司是于2017年4月成立的,但从事继电器业务已有半个世纪。 我司将凭借半个 …
Nexen Tire › HOME: Car Tires, Truck Tires, SUV Tires
Nexen Tire offers a wide variety of tires and sizes to fit your vehicle and needs. Have peace of mind with the Nexen Tire Total Coverage Warranty and know that you're protected with …
Nexen is a leading manufacturer of industrial motion control …
Rotary Motion Control including Rotary Indexers, Roller Pinion Gears, Precision Brakes and Harmonic Gearheads. Based on Nexen’s innovative Roller Pinion technology, Nexen Rotary …
La voix des Employeurs associatifs du Social et de la Santé | Nexem
Nexem vous accompagne sur tout le territoire en métropôle et dans les Dom Tom. Nous entendons faire évoluer la fonction employeur pour mieux répondre aux attentes des …