NGC 4261 - Wikipedia
NGC 4261 is an elliptical galaxy [8] located around 100 million light-years [9] away in the constellation Virgo. It was discovered April 13, 1784, by the German-born astronomer William …
NGC 4261 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 - zh.wikipedia.org
天文学家在无线电波段可以观察到ngc 4261从核心发射出的两个突出的喷流。ngc 4261有一个活跃的星系核,其中有一个稍微偏离核心中心的超大质量黑洞 [11] 。黑洞的质量估计为 (1.62 ± …
NGC 4261 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
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NGC 4261 - 百度百科
NGC4261是一个射电星系,直径约为60000光年,视星等为10.3等,距离地球大约100000000光年,其形状为E1型旋涡星系。 该星系在许多方面来看都是一个典型的 射电星系,同时还是 椭圆 …
ESA Science & Technology - Core of Galaxy NGC 4261
This provides strong circumstantial evidence for the existence of a black hole "central" engine in NGC 4261. The image was taken at visible wavelengths with the Wide Field /Planetary …
Core of galaxy NGC 4261 | ESA/Hubble - www.spacetelescope.org
1995年12月4日 · This is a Hubble Space Telescope image of an 800-light-year-wide spiral-shaped disk of dust fueling a massive black hole in the centreof galaxy, NGC 4261, located …
NGC 4261 (UGC 7360) Facts & Distance - Universe Guide
NGC 4261 (NGC4261) is a active galactic nuclei that has a distance from Earth of 104,200,439.55 light years. It can be found in the constellation of Virgo.
Evidence for a Massive Black Hole in the Active Galaxy NGC 4261 …
NGC 4261 was imaged on December 12 and 13, 1994, using the HST/WFPC2. The nucleus of the galaxy was centered on the Planetary Camera chip (PC1), which has a pixel size of 46 …
Around NGC4261 (Galaxies in Virgo) - stellarscenes.net
The largest elliptical galaxy, NGC4261, is located at the southern edge of the Virgo cluster and has a major axis of just over 4 arc minutes. Most of the 15 or more galaxies in this image are …
Around NGC4261 - Stellar Scenes
おとめ座銀河団の南端部に相当し,最も大きな楕円銀河・ngc4261は長径4分強です。 この写真に写っている15個以上の銀河のほとんどはおとめ座銀河団の外縁部に分布しますが,画面下 …