North Greenland Ice Core Project - Wikipedia
Delta-O-18 record from the NGRIP core North Greenland Ice Core Project Oxygen Isotope Data Calcium concentration and d18O isotope ratios from the Greenland NGRIP, GRIP, and GISP2 ice cores on the GICC05 time scale Methane (CH4) record from the North Greenland Ice Sheet Project (NGRIP) ice core, Greenland. The drilling site of the North Greenland Ice Core Project (NGRIP or NorthGRIP) is near ...
High-resolution record of Northern Hemisphere climate ... - Nature
Sep 9, 2004 · The NGRIP isotopic record covers the Holocene, the entire last glacial period, and part of the Eemian period. The 24 abrupt and climatic warm Dansgaard–Oeschger (DO) events, or Greenland ...
Synchronization of the NGRIP, GRIP, and GISP2 ice cores across …
Jan 1, 2008 · Here we present a synchronization of the NGRIP, GRIP, and GISP2 ice cores from the onset of GI-1 to GI-5, 14.9–32.45 ka b2k, corresponding to Marine Isotope Stage 2 (MIS 2) and the end of MIS 3.The synchronization is based on identification of volcanic events that have been recorded in at least two of the three cores, similar to the method used to transfer the GICC05 time scale from NGRIP ...
Consistently dated records from the Greenland GRIP, GISP2 and NGRIP …
Dec 15, 2014 · The drop in GISP2/NGRIP and GRIP/NGRIP thickness ratios between ∼10 ka b2k and 6.9 ka b2k coincides with significant thinning of the margins of the Greenland Ice Sheet and the Holocene climatic optimum (Vinther et al., 2009). The observed drop in relative layer thickness could be the result of altered flow conditions in response to the new ...
NOAA/WDS Paleoclimatology - NGRIP Ice Core 120,000 Year …
STUDY NOTES: North Greenland Ice Core Project (NGRIP) high-resolution Total Air Content (TAC) data for the entire 120,000 year NGRIP record ABSTRACT SUPPLIED BY ORIGINATOR: Because the total air content (TAC) of polar ice is directly affected by the atmospheric pressure and temperature, its record in polar ice cores was initially considered as a proxy for past ice sheet elevation changes.
格陵兰GISP2地区氧同位素数据(818-1987)|气候变化数据集|地质 …
Nov 1, 2018 · 由美国发起的格陵兰冰盖计划 (GISP2),提供了一个10万多年的氧同位素详细资料,几乎覆盖了整个冰期-间冰期循环。该数据记录了过去818-1987年氧同位素变化,其中清晰记录小冰期为该过去1000年来最冷的时期。其中1850-1987年呈现出波动增温,其变化与格陵兰获取的GRIP、NGRIP...
High-Resolution Greenland Ice Core Data Show Abrupt Climate
Aug 1, 2008 · Ice core records from Greenland have been instrumental in investigating past abrupt climate change. As compared with other sedimentary records, the ice core records have unparalleled temporal resolution and continuity (1–3).The newest Greenland ice core, from the North Greenland Ice Core Project (NGRIP), has been measured at very high resolution for water isotope ratios, dust, and impurity ...
耐震用取付金具 N-Grip |NITTOKU 株式会社
N-Gripは、 震度7クラスの地震から“人と設備を守る” 耐震用金具です。床面を傷つけることなく、誰でも簡単に取付け・取外しをすることが出来、最大4トンの工場設備やオフィス機器の破損・故障等の被害を最小限に抑えます。
MIS 2 中 NGRIP、GRIP 和 GISP2 冰芯的同步和古气候 ... - X-MOL
Jan 1, 2008 · 摘要 我们在此介绍了 ngrip、grip 和 gisp2 冰芯的同步,主要基于 14.9-32.45 ka b2k(公元 2000 年之前)期间的火山事件,对应于海洋同位素第 2 阶段(mis 2)和 mis 结束3. 该匹配为将最近基于 ngrip 的格陵兰冰芯年代学 2005 (gicc05) 时间尺度应用于 grip 和 gisp2 冰芯提供了基础,从而可以详细比较冰芯的同步古 ...
Paleo Data Search | Study | National Centers for Environmental ...
The NGRIP drilling started in 1996, and bedrock was reached in July 2003. In this text file we list the NGRIP oxygen 18 values as 50 year mean values using the same preliminary age scale as in Figure 2c of the accompanying paper. Data was measured against VSMOW at the Niels Bohr Institute for Astronomy, Physics and Geophysics, Department of ...