North Greenland Ice Core Project - Wikipedia
The NGRIP site was chosen to extract a long and undisturbed record stretching into the last glacial, and it succeeded. The site was chosen for a flat basal topography to avoid the flow distortions that render the bottom of the GRIP and GISP cores unreliable.
为了验证GRIP 和GISP2 冰芯记录, 并确认末次间冰期是否存在快速气候变化, 20世纪末在格陵兰冰盖最高区域偏北的地方实施了North GRIP (NGRIP). NGRIP 冰芯记录分辨率较高, 时间尺度为
冰川中保留的古环境信息究竟是怎么提取出来的? - 知乎
冰芯最早研究是格林兰计划GRIP (Greenland Ice Core Project),效果好,又有了GISP2,NGRIP。 冰芯的研究主要是18O和氢同位素,大陆冰芯18O与气候温度正相关,这点与海洋不同。
Atmospheric nitrous oxide during the last 140,000 years
2010年11月15日 · New measurements along the ice cores of the Talos Dome (TD, Antarctica, 72°47′ S, 159°04′ E) and North Greenland Ice Core Project (NGRIP, Greenland, 75°06′ N, 42°20′ W) sites now fill existing gaps in the N 2 O records of the last 140 kyr.
Temporal variations of the atmospheric nitrous oxide …
2007年2月10日 · Geographical Information of the North Greenland Ice Core Project (NGRIP), Dome Fuji, and H72 Where Firn Air Samples Were Collected and the Physical Properties of Each Site
Polar synchronization and the synchronized climatic history of ...
2014年1月1日 · We show that the time series of representative proxy records of the last glaciation recorded in Greenland (GRIP, NGRIP) and Antarctica (Byrd, Dome C) satisfy phase synchronization conditions, independently of age, for periods ranging 1–6 ky, and can be transformed into one another by a π /2 phase shift, with Antarctica temperature variations ...
他们用了几十年,终于知道了二氧化碳几十万年的变化 - 知乎
科学家于南极获得的诸多冰芯中, 最著名的是Vostok和 Dome C冰芯。 前者最终一直深入到冰盖底部的Vostok湖, 除了揭示了40万年来的气候变化信息外, 还可能发现南极冰盖下生存的“陌生生命”。
The NGRIP core proved to be located on a zone of high heat flow from the underlying crust (Dahl-Jensen et al., 2003). This heat melted the basal ice, eliminating the oldest ice layers, and only the last few millennia of the Eemian could be retrieved (Cuffey, 2004).
Comparing volcanic ice core markers in Greenland (GISP2, GRIP, …
The upper curves show NGRIP δ 18 O and deuterium excess (d-excess) including a piecewise linear fit (straight lines). DF-1 and DF-2 refers to Dome Fuji cores 1 and 2, respectively.
NGRIP continuous ice core chemistry measurements|冰芯研究数 …
2023年6月28日 · Selected sections of the archived NGRIP (North Greenland Ice Core Project) obtained from the University of Copenhagen were analyzed with the DRI/OSU continuous ice core analytical system largely to investigate the impact of site characteristics (accumulation rate, temperature, elevation, locations, surface melt history, impurity concentrations ...
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