New General Service List Project
The New General Service List Project is a collection of high-frequency English vocabulary resources, based on corpus linguistics research. Designed for ESL/EFL learners, teachers, and content developers, it emphasizes practicality and real-world relevance, making it an essential tool for rapid second language acquisition.
The New General Service List (NGSL)
The NGSL 1.01 is the archive version of the NGSL, which was widely used from 2016 through 2023. Many tools, apps and textbooks still use the NGSL 1.01 so these resources will continue to be made available via the links below.
英语阅读,2800的词汇量就够了 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
NGSL 1.01 VERSION. 点击“NGSL 1.01 VERSION” 便会自动下载一个Excel文件,文件中按照单词出现的频率,分别总结了 前1000,前1000-2000,前2000-3000的词汇,并且给出了每个单词在英文文本中出现的平均频率(例如,the平均在每10万个单词中就会出现60910次)。
NGSL-最重要的英语单词表,超高频词汇表(文末有彩蛋) - 知乎
国外语言学家对其进行的最近的一次更新是在2013年,即NGSL,New General Service List。 除了NGSL之外,还有几个单词表,但是NGSL是最基础的,里面的单词也是最重要的,在此基础上在根据自己的英语需求学习另外的词汇表即可。
NGSL-Spoken — New General Service List Project
The 1.0 version contained 822 words which provided 89% coverage for spoken English. In 2016, the 1.1 version of the list was published, with slightly better coverage (718 words to reach 90%). In October 2017 the 1.2 version of the NGSL was released. This list is 721 words and provides up to 90% coverage for unscripted spoken English
「英学内刊」这个单词表你知道吗? - 百家号
2019年7月30日 · ngsl究竟为什么权威呢? 它是剑桥英语语料库专家们在1953年GSL(老版通用单词表单) 基础上做的一次修订,于2013年(时隔60年)首次发表,由国外语言学家选出了我们在日常英语中最常用最高频的2801个单词。
New General Word List (NGSL) - EAP Foundation
The New General Service List (NGSL), developed by Dr. Charles Browne, Dr. Brent Culligan and Joseph Phillips in 2013, is a list of 2801 words which comprise the most important high-frequency words in English, giving the highest possible coverage with the fewest possible words.
NGSL(New General Service List)单词表,另附四大词表涵盖了日 …
NGSL全称New General Service List,是一个包含了2800多个单词的词汇表,这些单词是从大量语料中统计出来的最常用词汇,几乎涵盖了日常使用中90%以上的用词。 配合 NGSL-S(NGS-SPOKEN 700词)、TSL (TOEIC Service List 1200词)、NAWL (New Academic Word List 960词)、BSL (Business Service List 1700词)四大词表,高度涵盖各领域重点单词,是英语学习者学习词汇的重要工具。
New General Service List - Mr. Brown's Learning Space
In March of 2013, on the 60th anniversary of West’s publication of the GSL, Dr. Brent Culligan & Joseph Phillips of Aoyama Gakuin Women’s Junior College and Dr. Charles Browne of Meiji Gakuin University announced the creation of a New General Service List (NGSL), one that is based on a carefully selected 273 million-word subsection of the 2 ...
NGSL + NAWL 单词表 以及学习网站 - sasuke。 - 博客园
2019年5月5日 · 所有博客; 当前博客; 我的博客 我的园子 账号设置 会员中心 简洁模式 ... 退出登录