NHIS Questionnaires, Datasets, and Documentation
2024年11月20日 · Explore this gateway to data from the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS). Find survey methods, questionnaires, and other resources to collect NHIS data. Access important technical information to help you understand, analyze, and use NHIS data.
National Health Interview Survey - CDC
Learn about the nation's largest and oldest household health survey. Find out about participating if you are invited to join NHIS. Access data files, questionnaires, and documentation for research and analysis. Read our expert analysis of NHIS data and statistics. Preliminary NHIS data on …
NHIS Results and Publications | National Health Interview Survey
2024年11月20日 · Explore a variety of reports and publications using National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) data. Find NHIS statistics featured in other formats like interactive data query systems and MMWR QuickStats.
NHIS|健康调查数据集|医疗数据数据集 - selectdataset.com
2024年10月24日 · 美国国家健康访谈调查(National Health Interview Survey, NHIS)是由美国疾病控制与预防中心(CDC)下属的国家卫生统计中心(NCHS)自1957年开始定期进行的一项全国性家庭访谈调查。NHIS旨在收集关于美国人口健康状况、健康行为和健康服务的使用情况等详细数 …
他山之石,可以攻玉:浅谈几个美国的公共卫生/预防医学公用数据 …
nhis是一个涵盖了自报参数(社会学基础参数,健康/疾病状况,健康相关行为,医疗服务使用史)的横断面调查数据库。 同样,它是由美国CDC牵头,自1957年开始对全美国的人群进行健康相关指标的调查。
National Health Interview Survey (NHIS)|公共卫生数据集|健康调查 …
2024年10月23日 · 在公共卫生领域,National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) 数据集的最新研究方向主要集中在慢性病管理与预防策略的优化。通过分析NHIS数据,研究者们能够深入探讨不同社会经济背景、种族和年龄群体中慢性病的发病率及其影响因素。
The National Health Interview Survey is a survey collecting information on the health, health care access, and health behaviors of the civilian, non-institutionalized U.S. population, with digital data files available from 1963 to present. IPUMS Health Surveys harmonizes these data and allows users to create custom NHIS data extracts for analysis.
Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) screening prevalence within the …
For the data periods 2011-2019, the PSA questions were asked in BRFSS in the even years as part of the core questionnaire for all states, and in NHIS in 2013, 2015, 2018, and 2019. The questions were worded in similar ways on the two surveys.
NHIS - 1997-2018
These resources from past NHIS years are available for use by researchers, analysts, and others. For more recent study years, visit the NHIS website: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nhis/ On This Page
Available Estimates for Cancer Risk Factors and Screening Behaviors
Choose an estimate to view its accompanying maps and data. A person 18 years of age or older must have reported smoking at least 100 cigarettes in his/her life, and now smokes cigarettes …