Niangon: a versatile exotic timber species - Fair&Precious
Niangon is an exotic wood species native to Gabon and Equatorial Guinea. It is a reddish-brown to purplish-red wood, used mainly for interior joinery but also for exterior joinery if properly treated.
Niangon - Lesser-known Timber Species
Exterior joinery, Interior joinery, Current furniture or furniture components, Veneer for back or face of plywood, Flooring, Shingles, Ship building (planking and deck), Resistant to one or several acids, Exterior panelling, Interior panelling, Sliced veneer, Stairs (inside), Moulding, Cabinetwork (high class furniture), Light carpentry
Niangon – Wikipedia
Niangon ist die Bezeichnung für ein afrikanisches Handelsholz, das eine rötlich-braune bis violett-braune Färbung aufweist. Es zeichnet sich durch eine gute Bearbeitbarkeit aus und findet hauptsächlich im Außenbau Verwendung. Zudem kann es als Vollholz andere Hölzer ersetzten. Unter dem Namen Niangon werden die nicht klar zu ...
NIANGON - Tarrietia densiflora, Tarrietia utilis - atibt.org
Niangon is an exotic wood species native to Gabon and Equatorial Guinea. It is a reddish-brown to purplish-red wood, used mainly for interior joinery but also for exterior joinery if properly treated.
非洲重要经济要材树种详解-Niangon非洲银叶树_木业技术中心_中 …
T.densiflora则分布在加彭,在木材交易市场上与T.utilis一样被称呼作Niangon。 从19世纪起,此树种在象牙海岸、加彭即被伐采并运往法国。 立木:大乔木,树冠层可高达30~40公尺,枝下高约20公尺,胸高直径0.6~1公尺,干身常弯曲不规则,具板根。
Niangon - Timber Development UK
2024年4月30日 · Similar to African mahogany, but in compression, hardness, and resistance to shear and splitting, is appreciably superior and almost equal to oak. Good - Fairly easy to work. It does not dull cutting edges to any appreciable extent. A considerable improvement in finish is gained by reducing cutting angles to 150.
La madera de niangón, es una madera de origen africano, de tonos marrones, buena durabilidad y gran versatilidad. Tiene similitudes con la madera de caoba, siendo la niangón de color más grisaceo, densa y de grano más basto. Nombre científico. Heritiera utilis, Tarrietia utilis, Heritiera densiflora, Tarrietia densiflora. Origen.
Niangon (Tarrietia utilis) - ITTO
Find technical and marketing information for lesser-used tropical timber species, LUS. Learn more on our Niangon (Tarrietia utilis) page.
NIANGON « Bois et Scierie du Gabon (BSG)
NIANGON . SCIENTIFIC NAME. Heritiera utilis Kosterm. (= Tarrietia utilis Sprague) Heritiera densiflora Kosterm. (= Tarrietia densiflora Aubr. & Normand) FAMILY. Sterculiaceae . REGIONAL DISTRIBUTION. West Africa – Central Africa * Sierra Leone : YAMI Liberia: WHISMORE Ivory Coast : NIANGON
NIANGON - Le bon choix d'un bois tropical
NIANGON : Importateurs et négoces d'essence NIANGON sur le site Le bon choix d'un bois tropical