Hypertension in adults: diagnosis and management - NICE
2019年8月28日 · This guideline covers identifying and treating primary hypertension (high blood pressure) in people aged 18 and over, including people with type 2 diabetes. It aims to reduce …
Consider ABPM or HBPM, in addition to clinic BP, for people with white-coat efect or masked hypertension. Abbreviations: ABPM, ambulatory blood pressure monitoring; ACEi, ACE …
Hypertension | Health topics A to Z | CKS | NICE
Hypertension is persistently raised arterial blood pressure. It increases the risk of a number of conditions, including heart failure, coronary artery disease, stroke, chronic kidney disease, …
This guideline covers identifying and treating primary hypertension (high blood pressure) in people aged 18 and over, including people with type 2 diabetes. It aims to reduce the risk of …
Hypertension in adults: diagnosis and management - NICE …
2021年9月21日 · This guideline covers identifying and treating primary hypertension (high blood pressure) in people aged 18 and over, including people with type 2 diabetes. It aims to reduce …
Hypertension | Treatment summaries | BNF | NICE
Hypertension is defined as persistently raised arterial blood pressure and is one of the most important treatable causes of premature morbidity and mortality. It is a major risk factor for …
Hypertension in adults: diagnosis and management - NICE
2019年8月28日 · This guideline covers identifying and treating primary hypertension (high blood pressure) in people aged 18 and over, including people with type 2 diabetes. It aims to reduce …
Hypertension in adults: diagnosis and management
2023年11月21日 · This guideline covers identifying and treating primary hypertension (high blood pressure) in people aged 18 and over, including people with type 2 diabetes. It aims to reduce …
Scenario: Management | Management | Hypertension - CKS | NICE
For information on why NICE made these recommendations and how they might affect practice, see the section on Rationale and impact in the NICE guideline Hypertension in adults: …
Diagnosis | Hypertension | CKS - NICE
Confirm the diagnosis of hypertension in people with a clinic blood pressure of 140/90 mmHg or higher and ABPM daytime average or HBPM average of 135/85 mmHg or higher.