【英语干货】我们的口头禅“辛苦了、客气了、好纠结…”英文怎么 …
② 上级对下级说“辛苦了” Good job / Nice work / Well done! 做得好! Keep up the good work! 继续努力! (称赞工作做的好,本身就是对辛苦工作的肯定,也就包含了辛苦了的意思。 ) ③ 对父母、师长表示感恩 I'm so grateful for you! 我很感激您!
goodjob,welldone,nicework三者有什么异同? - 百度知道
2024年9月19日 · 答案明确:goodjob,welldone和nicework都是用于表扬和赞赏的常用短语,但它们的用法和语境存在一些细微的异同。 详细解释:一、相似之处这三个短语都是对某人工作或表现的.
nice work和good job的区别【吧友互助吧】_百度贴吧
nice work和good job都是对某人工作的肯定,但存在一些区别:1. 表达的含义上,nice work主要强调工作成果的质量或某些值得赞赏的行为;而good job更加强调工作的态度。
"nice work" 和 "nice try" 和 "nice move" 和有什么不一样?
Nice work is said when you’re complimented for doing a good job,something that is already done. (1)”Oh Dong, you have set the table already! Nice work!” Nice try is used to appreciate someone’s hard work, something that they have tried to do yet failed. (2) “You have at least participated in the race. Winning is not important.
nice work是什么意思_nice work的翻译_音标_读音_用法_例句_爱 …
Nice work, Matthew. I knew you could do it. 干得好,马修。 我知道你能行。 Sollozzo said to the driver , " Nice work . 他自己点着, 抽 了起来. Nice work if you can get it. 只要能够得到这肯定是份好工作. 爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供nice work的中文意思,nice work的用法讲解,nice work的读音,nice work的同义词,nice work的反义词,nice work的例句等英语服务。
Nice Work - Wikipedia
Nice Work is a 1988 novel by British author David Lodge. It is the final volume of Lodge's "Campus Trilogy", after Changing Places (1975) and Small World: An Academic Romance (1984). [1] Nice Work won the Sunday Express Book of the Year award in 1988 [2] and was also shortlisted for the Booker Prize. [3]
夸别人“干得好”除了说well done以外还有哪些表达? - 知乎
2024年3月2日 · 英语环境中常用的夸奖别人的表达有哪些呢? 1. Well done 做得好. My mom will say "well done" if I help to do the housework. 如果我帮忙做家务,妈妈会说“做得好”。 2. Good job 干得好. Good job! I am proud of you all. 做得好! 我为你们所有人感到骄傲。 3. Nice work 干得不错. Nice work. I know you can do it. 干得好。 我知道你能行。 4. Good for you 好样的. Good for you, you did it. 好样的,你做到了。 5. That's great! 棒极了! 6. Really great!
good job,well done,nic有什么异同? - 百度知道
2024年8月3日 · 在表达赞赏和肯定时,"good job"、"well done"和"nice work"这三个短语虽然在基本含义上有相似之处,但它们的使用情境和语气有所差异。 "Good job"常用于上司对下属或长辈对晚辈的赞扬,更多地带有鼓励的成分,即使做得并不完美,也能感受到积极的肯定。
"nice work" 和 "nice try" 和 "nice move" 的差別在哪裡? | HiNative
Nice work is said when you’re complimented for doing a good job,something that is already done. (1)”Oh Dong, you have set the table already! Nice work!” Nice try is used to appreciate someone’s hard work, something that they have tried to do yet failed. (2) “You have at least participated in the race. Winning is not important.
nice work是什么意思?_百度知道
2024年4月2日 · Nice work的意思是“做得好”,它是一种表扬和赞美的说法。 这个短语通常在看到朋友、同事或员工做出了出色的工作时使用。 当别人对我们的成就表示出赞赏和认可时,我们感到非常开心和鼓舞,这可以帮助我们更加努力和积极地追求自己的目标。