Nicias - Wikipedia
Nicias (/ ˈnɪʃiəs /; Ancient Greek: Νικίας Νικηράτου Κυδαντίδης, romanized: Nikias Nikēratou Kydantidēs; c. 470–413 BC) [a] was an Athenian politician and general, who was prominent during the Peloponnesian War.
Nicias - World History Encyclopedia
2016年4月12日 · Nicias, or Nikias (c. 470-413 BCE), was a wealthy Athenian politician and general during the Peloponnesian War (431-404 BCE). He became established as a prominent political leader of the aristocratic...
Nicias | Athenian, Strategist, Commander | Britannica
Nicias (died 413 bc, Sicily [now in Italy]) was an Athenian politician and general during the Peloponnesian War (431–404 bc) between Sparta and Athens. He was in charge of the Athenian forces engaged in the siege of Syracuse, Sicily, and the failure of the siege contributed greatly to the ultimate defeat of Athens.
尼西阿斯 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
尼西阿斯(古希臘語: Νικίας ,羅馬化: Nikias ;英語: Nicias , / ˈ n ɪ ʃ i ə s / ;约前470年—前413年)是伯罗奔尼撒战争期间雅典的一位政治家和将军,威名遠播。 前421年,代表雅典与斯巴达达成十年和约,史称尼西阿斯和约。
尼西亚斯 - 百度百科
尼西亚斯(Nicias,约前470—前413),一译尼客阿斯。 雅典政治人物和将军。 在叙拉古包围战中曾任雅典军的司令官。 在战争前10年内属温和民主派。 多次当选为将军。 他长於进攻。 伯罗奔尼撒战争 期间,反对主战派克里昂。 公元前421年与斯巴达订立《尼西亚斯和约》,彼此同意停止征战50年。 公元前415年,迫于民众会议决议,战争重启,他与 亚西比德 、拉马科斯共同远征西西里。 后来亚西比德被召回,拉马科斯死去,只剩他一人带病坚持围城。 他企图在叙拉古周 …
The Internet Classics Archive | Nicias by Plutarch
Nicias and Alcibiades, perceiving his malice, secretly combined together, and setting both their interests jointly at work, succeeded in fixing the ostracism not on either of them, but even on Hyperbolus.
Peace of Nicias - Wikipedia
The Peace of Nicias was a peace treaty signed between the Greek city-states of Athens and Sparta in March 421 BC that ended the first half of the Peloponnesian War. [1] In 425 BC, the Spartans had lost the battles of Pylos and Sphacteria, a severe defeat resulting in the Athenians holding 292 prisoners.
德利安同盟,第五部分:尼西亚斯和平、四国同盟和西西里远征( …
The fifth phase of the Delian League begins with the Peace of Nicias – a settlement that settled nothing – and ends with the start of the Decelean War (also referred to as the Ionian War). This conflict's beginning overlaps the League's disaster in Sicily, which occurred shortly thereafter (421/0 – 413/2 BCE).
Nicias - Livius
Nicias (c.470-413 BCE): Athenian politician and commander, one of the most important generals in the Peloponnesian War. Although Nicias, the son of Niceratus, was born in c.470 and was about forty years old when the Archidamian War between Sparta and Athens broke out in 431, we know hardly anything about his early career.
尼西亚斯 - 搜狗百科
2020年6月24日 · 尼西亚斯(Nicias,约前470—前413),一译尼客阿斯。雅典政治人物和将军。在叙拉古包围战中曾任雅典军的司令官。在战争前10年内属温和民主派。多次当选为将军。他长於进攻。伯罗奔尼撒战争期间,反对主战派克里昂。
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