Assessing the G77: 50 years after unctad and 40 years after the nieo
2014年12月13日 · This article views the history of the Group of 77 through the lens of its relations with unctad ’s establishment in 1964, its unsuccessful struggle for the nieo in the 1970s, and the subsequent loosening of ties.
New International Economic Order - Wikipedia
The New International Economic Order (NIEO) is a set of proposals advocated by developing countries to end economic colonialism and dependency through a new interdependent economy. [1][2] The main NIEO document recognized that the current international economic order "was established at a time when most of the developing countries did not even e...
Group of 77 - Wikipedia
The Group of 77 (G77) at the United Nations (UN) is a coalition of developing countries, designed to promote its members' collective economic interests and create an enhanced joint negotiating capacity in the United Nations.
Non-aligned common front: strategic imaginaries of the new ...
2024年9月12日 · The NIEO's draft declarations were brought to the UN General Assembly by the leaders of 95 states, caucused as the G77. Their solidarity was necessarily pluralistic, drawing on Marxist and Liberal visions of what Adom Getachew called “post-imperial worldmaking”.
The Search for a Third Way: The Non-Aligned Movement, G77, and NIEO
2021年11月17日 · The NAM, G77, and NIEO, launched by the same group of countries, represented the “third way” during the Cold War, and claimed the mantle of an activist kind of “neutrality.” Their activism brought energy and symbolic relevance to the UNGA in particular, with a flurry of UNGA resolutions condemning various gross violations of human rights.
Assessing the G77: 50 years after UNCTAD and 40 years after the NIEO
2014年11月26日 · This article views the history of the Group of 77 through the lens of its relations with unctad’s establishment in 1964, its unsuccessful struggle for the nieo in the 1970s, and the subsequent ...
The Early Days of the Group of 77 | United Nations
2014年5月16日 · The establishment of a New International Economic Order (NIEO) became the main objective of the Third World.
The G77 and the NIEO: The Contours of a New World Order
The G77 articulated this incitement, leading to a demand for the new international economic order (NIEO). The chapter analyses the NIEO and its demand for a new global economy through political control of the (multi)transnational corporations and the right to nationalise them.
新国際経済秩序/NIEO - 世界史の窓
1974年、国連資源特別総会において、発展途上国国グループであるG77が主張し、「新国際経済秩序宣言」として可決された。 資源ナショナリズム の考え方に基づき、「援助よりも公正な貿易の拡大」を実現しようとしたもの。
The Non-Aligned Movement and Group of 77 During the Cold …
While the broader political agenda of the South was primarily set and promoted through the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) process, the economic agenda was driven primarily by the expanding Group of 77 (G77) members and the newly created trade organisation, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).
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