Kali | NIER Wiki | Fandom
Kali, also known as Curly in the Japanese version, is Kainé's grandmother. She appears in the second playthrough in the novella Kainé's Dreams. Kali has a crude and violent personality, …
Kali (Gestalt) - NIER Wiki
The original Kali is a character who only appears in NieR Replicant Drama CD: The Lost Verses and the Red Sky. She was alive during the same time as Yura Masayoshi. During the early …
Kali | Nier Replicant Wiki
Kali is one of the NPCs of NieR Replicant. She is mentioned in the story as Kainé's grandmother and her sole caretaker but does not make an appearance. They lived together on the outskirts …
Kalil - NIER Wiki
Kalil, known as Cleo in Nier Replicant, is a child Gestalt who, along with his mother, was chased into the Junk Heap by a group of Replicants on a Shade hunt. There, he found and befriended …
尼爾 (遊戲) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
《尼爾》 (日语: ニーア ,英语: NieR ) 是一款由Cavia開發,Square Enix發行的動作角色扮演遊戲,為《誓血龍騎士》的外傳遊戲,於2010年4月在日本、澳洲、北美和歐洲發行。
NieR Replicant - P-33 and Kalil Boss Fight #11 - YouTube
2021年4月23日 · Subscribe for more! ⇨ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdaluuQuE5GoOlULA2PGKmA?sub_confirmation=1☆ P …
尼尔:机械纪元(2017年史克威尔艾尼克斯与白金工作室联合开发 …
《尼尔:机械纪元》是由 史克威尔艾尼克斯 与 白金工作室 双方联合开发的M级动作冒险游戏,为《尼尔:伪装者》和《尼尔:完全形态》的续作。 《尼尔:机械纪元》于2016年12月22日在 …
Important question about Nier and Drakengard lore. : r/nier - Reddit
2022年7月24日 · The drama CDs that revealed this lore are talking about the original Kaine and Kali, not the ones we see in the game. The original Kaine was artificially created from the …
Kali (Gestalt) | Wiki NieR - Fandom
Lors de l'arrivée précoce des forces de la Red Eye, Kali était un chef militaire. On ne sait pas dans quelle division elle a servi, mais elle est devenue une célèbre héroïne de guerre …
Characters in NieR - TV Tropes
The cut version of Hina’s Recollection of Dusk finally went into details of how Kali became a War Hero from the 13th Crusade: Kali and her commander, Hina, were sent to the Legion’s base …