Who are ‘Nihang Singhs’? - Little Hands
modern ‘nihang singhs’ & the problems A number of modern Nihang Singhs observe some rituals and practices, which are contrary to Gurmat, for example the consumption of marijuana (‘bhang’). These customs and ‘traditions’ crept in to Nihangs during the period when the Mahants (Hindu caretakers) managed and maintained our Gurdwaras in ...
What is the Sikh attitude to marijuana (‘Bhang)? Many ... - Little …
A number of modern ‘Nihang Singhs’ observe some rituals and practices, which are contrary to Gurmat, for example the consumption of marijuana (‘bhang’). These customs and ‘traditions’ crept in to Nihangs during the period when the Mahants (Hindu caretakers) managed and maintained our Gurdwaras in 18th to early 20th century.
Why do some Sikhs believe ‘Keski’ as the Kakkaar and not ‘Kesh’.
According to the Budha Dal Nihang Singhs, the Keski is a mandatory requirement both for men and women. Although they do not label it as one of the Five Ks, the order to keep it on the body at all times, including bathing, gives it the same importance as a Kakkaar. Even now, women in Nihang Dals adorn a turban.
Why don’t all Gursikhs recite ‘Sampooran Rehraas Sahib’?
Some Jathebandis (groups) read two more couplets after this. Some Nihang Jathas read two Chaupais in Sodar Rehras, the first one starts with “Dusht Daint Kach Baat Na Jaani || Mahakaal Tan Pun Ris Tthanee||…” In total there are 9 paurees (stanzas) in this complete Chaupai.
There are many Jathas (groups) which claim our way is the only …
Any debate or vichaar should be about asools (principles) and not about organizations or groups. Whether Jatha Bhindran, Nihang Singhs, Nanaksar, Akhand Kirtani Jatha or some other Jatha, the Amrit organized by them would be judged by maryada (code of conduct) they keep and not by the organization that organizes it and does the sewa.
Give a glossary of Sikh terms. - sikhanswers.com
Nihang : Literally means an alligator who is supreme in the waters. It is an order of the Sikhs who follow the lifestyle of the Sikh soldiers of time of Guru Gobind Singh ji who mainly had the duty of protecting the Sikh places of worship. They wear blue robes and practice martial arts.
Did all the Bhagats get GurMantar from Guru Sahib?
Give a brief history of the Golden Temple? The sacred shrine ‘Sri Harmandar Sahib’ is known to the West as the ‘Golden Temple’. Guru Ramdas Ji wanted to give the Sikhs a central
What is the Mool Mantar? - Little Hands
The Nihang Singh, Nirmala, Damdami Taksaal, and Udaasi schools of thought believe in the extended version of the Mool Mantar. These groups believe that from “Ik Oankaar” to “Gur Prasaad” is a Mangla Charan (invocation), whereas the Panthic Maryada would consider “Jap” to be the title for Japji Sahib, and “Aad Sach” to “Nanak ...
Why is there a controversy in the Panth over eating meat?
Why is there a controversy in the Panth over eating meat? The Panthic Sikh Rehit Maryada (Sikh Code of Conduct) makes it clear that the four Bajjar Kurehits (cardinal prohibitions) for a Sikh, which result in apostasy from the Sikh faith: