Nike By You Custom Shoes
Be just who you are by putting more youness in your shoeness with Nike By You, Nike’s co-creation service for Members. A little more of this, a little less of that—just have fun customizing a shoe that feels more like you. What If You Were a Shoe? Let's find out!
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脑洞大开挥洒灵感,让鞋思妙想释放于潮流足尖。来 Nike By You,制造属于你的潮鞋。
Nike x MMW
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Nike delivers innovative products, experiences and services to inspire athletes.
Nike By You Custom Shoes. Nike CA
Make your perfect shoe a reality with Nike By You, Nike's co-creation service for Members. A little more of this, a little less of that — just have fun customising a shoe that feels more you.
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Zoom 004 x MMW 'Stone' 發售日期. Nike SNKRS
這雙先前在 Nike 2020 Future Sport Forum 首度亮相的 Nike Zoom 004 x MMW,即是以時尚風格詮釋前衛機能跑鞋美學,向 Nike 豐富悠久的創新歷史致敬。 鞋款以分析資料作為基礎,將版型巧妙結合都會風格。
率先近賞 Matthew M. Williams x Nike 全新聯名鞋款 MMW Zoom 4
2020年12月18日 · 早在今年二月的 Future Sport Forum 上便已曝光的 Nike MMW Zoom 4,由網眼、特殊膠面與銀色金屬質感框架構建鞋面,並於細節處注入 MMW 與 Nike Swoosh 彰顯其合作價值,而類似 Nike ISPA Zoom Road Warrior 的開放式懸浮鞋跟則是全鞋最大亮點之一,更搭載 Zoom Air 氣墊增強前衛感和增高效果。 據悉該鞋款將於 12 月...
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