Nikon E series - Wikipedia
The Nikon E series, co-developed with Fujifilm, [2] are autofocus 1.3 megapixel professional grade quasi-full frame Nikon F-mount digital single lens reflex cameras manufactured by Nikon since 1995. The E series included the Nikon E2/E2S, Nikon E2N/E2NS and the Nikon E3/E3S. The S-variants are identical except they had triple the frame rate and ...
尼康E3 - 百度百科
尼康E3是尼康品牌旗下的相机。 尼康E3数码单镜反光相机的主要功能,是E2N/E2NS (1996) 的后继型号 有效光圈控制f/4.8至38 2/3英寸1.4-MP CCD ( 影像尺寸﹕1,280 x 1,000像素 ) 防震功能,适合微距摄影SCSI界面1 fps (E3)/3 fps (E3S)﹕最多可连拍12个影像,外置同步终端 (JIS-B/ISO519 型)。 拍摄模式 1. 单张拍摄模式 (S): 每次快门释放可过片 1 张; 2. 连续拍摄模式 (C): 约每秒 1 张 (储存模式不同,速度不同) 白平衡 自动: 色温自动追踪; 手动: 6 种选择 [ 1.
Nikon E3/E3s Digital Still SLR Camera, 1998 - MIR
It uses the Reduction Optical System "ROS" which enables Nikkor lenses to capture "virtually" identical "full frame" picture angles and aspect ratios as they do when mounted on conventional film cameras, even with wideangles and fisheye lenses.
Our Product History: 1990's | Information | Nikon Consumer
Integrated control of metering, white balance and tone compensation. Zoom micro lens. 1005-pixel RGB sensor for metering. Camera featuring optical vibration reduction. 1700mm zoom lens.
Nikon E3 (1998) - Digitalkamera Museum
Announced 1998-06-15, the Nikon E3 was not marketed until a few months after Nikon introduced the famous D1 in 1999. The E3 and it's slighty improved brother the E3S marked the end of the E-series. From 2000 on Nikon focused entirely on their D-line. The E3 had a full-frame 1.3 MP sensor and was jointly developed with Fuji.
Nikon E2/E3 - Camera-wiki.org - The free camera encyclopedia
2024年3月20日 · The cameras of the Nikon E2 and E3 series and the similar Fujix DS-5xx series are early digital SLR cameras developed by Nikon together with Fujifilm and were launched between 1995 and 1999. At that time Nikon sought any possible cooperation to get into production of digital professional photography supply, for example also with Kodak .
2015年12月17日 · 87、 Nikon E3S ——1998年同E3一起推出,是E3的加强版,可以在3fps连拍12张。 也是Nikon最后一部E系列数码相机。 88、 Nikon D1 ——1999年推出,是Nikon自行开发的第一部DSLR。
Nikon E3 - eBay
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E3/E3S ※本製品のメーカー在庫は終了しました。
ニコンデジタル一眼レフカメラ「E3/E3S」の主な仕様についてのご紹介。 ニコンデジタル一眼レフカメラやコンパクトカメラ、ニッコールレンズなどカメラ関連情報も。
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