Nikon is developing a full field exposure tool (EUV1) for 45nm hp process development and 32nm hp R&D. EUV2 (HVM) can be developed adopting the best available EUV light source and infrastructure.
Nikon Reticle Case development based on Dual Pod concept for EUV1 tool. Proto-type Reticle Case fabrication and evaluation experiment have been completed. Nikon/Canon/Entegris joint development of Dual Pod concept 1st phase of proto-typing has been completed. Nikon will work with Selete and SEMATECH for further evaluation. Nikon Reticle Case ...
Nikon EUVL development progress summary - SPIE Digital Library
2006年3月10日 · Extreme Ultra Violet Lithography (EUVL) is considered as the most promising technology below hp45nm node, following ArF immersion lithography. In this paper we would like to present significant progress on the development of EUV exposure tool with recent encouraging data of mirror polishing accuracy and evaluation results of Nikon reticle ...
(PDF) Nikon EUVL development progress update - ResearchGate
2010年3月1日 · Nikon has been developing the full field exposure tool called EUV1 for process development of 32nm hp node and beyond. The unique feature of EUV1 is the capability of variable illumination...
EUVL Technology Nikon has been developing EUVL tool with more than ten companies and organizations considering the most effective and best risk sharing way.
Nikon EUVL development progress update
Extreme Ultra Violet Lithography (EUVL) has been widely regarded as the lithography technology to succeed optical lithography. It is now considered as one of the most promising technologies below hp45nm node [1], following ArF immersion lithography considering trend of achievable process K1 factors.
Nikon EUVL development progress update | Semantic Scholar
In this paper we would like to present our significant progress on the development of EUV exposure tool. There are several key important areas which should be developed to realize EUVL to be feasible, such as reflective mask, resist, and tool itself.
Nikon has already developed full-field EUV exposure tool named EUV1, which is equipped with Xe DPP (discharge produced plasma) source and projection optics with the NA (numerical aperture) of...
Universities Laboratory Coating Nikon develops EUVL with more than ten companies and organizations. Nikon gratefully acknowledges METI and NEDO for their support.
Nikon EUVL development progress update - SPIE Digital Library
Extreme Ultra Violet Lithography (EUVL) has been widely regarded as the lithography technology to succeed optical lithography. It is now considered as one of the most promising technologies below hp45nm node [1], following ArF immersion lithography considering trend of achievable process K1 factors.
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