Lenses for Nikon FM2 (What will fit?) - Nikon - Photo.net
2009年7月3日 · <p>Get a 50mm lens and you will be very happy, and there are many choices that will work beautifully on the FM2: 50/2, 50/1.8, and 50/1.4 AI or AIS lenses, or the 50/1.8 Series E lens, or a 50/1.8 AF or AFD will also work very nicely.
What are those flashs for FM2? - Nikon - Photo.net
2006年8月21日 · If one is going to use bounce flash you need power. A Nikon SB-24, 25, 26 or 28 makes are very good flash for a Nikon FM2n.
Which Are The Best Lens For A Nikon FM2? - Nikon - Photo.net
2007年8月23日 · The FM2 is a very nice camera. It and two F models are my only Nikon film cameras, and all have served me very well. The smaller size and built in meter of the FM2 are convenient.
FM2 vs. FM3a - Nikon - Photo.net
2005年11月7日 · I had an FM2 when I bought a pair of FE2(s) which mostly. replaced my F2As(s). I bought another FM2 for the ridiculous. price of $35.00 plus Microsoft MASM 5.0 (only after protesting. the foolishness of the offer). I didnt part with my FM2. until I replaced them with pair of FM2n(s). The FM2n and FE2 each. have advantages over the other.
Which all Mechanical camera F2 vs FM2 - Nikon - Photo.net
2005年3月4日 · There is a slight difference between the FM2 and the FM2n, one in particular is the synch speed is a little faster on the FM2n. Also, more FM2n models were made, so more likely to be available. Older but still a very good mechanical model is the FM, can be used with older non-AI lenses as well as more recent types.
Nikon FM2 eyecup fitting - Photo.net
2018年5月27日 · I found this out the hard way when using FM2's and FE2's back in the 80's and 90's. With my new and very strong prescription eyeglasses, I could not see clearly enough to focus with my Nikons. At the advice of my ophthalmologist i bought "zero diopter" eyepieces for my cameras (the cameras that did not have adjustable diopters) and that solved ...
FM2, FE batteries? - Nikon - Photo.net
2004年5月18日 · I just picked up FM2 and FE bodies. The FM2 is mechanically okay but . has no battery. Neither does the FE but the shutter works fine on the . manual setting. These are surplus sale cameras from a local . university and don't seem to have lived a hard life. What are the . current designation batteries for each of these? Thanks. Rick H.
FM3A vs FM2(n) - Nikon - Photo.net
2002年10月2日 · not to buy one or the other - a Nikon FM3A or a FM2(n). I know the FM2's are a great buy right now because of the intro of the . FM3A's, i also know that the FM3A is a creation that puts all the best . from the FE and the FM2 into one PLUS some additional goodies. With . that said one would assume that I should buy the FM3A right?
Which 50mm lense should I get with an FM2? - Nikon - Photo.net
2003年9月29日 · Simon would like to buy a Nikon FM2(n), a manual focus camera. There is a BIG difference in the FEEL and mechanical quality between the AF(s) and the MF(s) NOT the optics. If he gets an AF camera he can get an AF 50/1.8(D) or AF 50/1.4(D) to go with it later.
Nikon FM, FM2, or FM2n: which do you recommend? + Lens …
2008年1月31日 · Next the thing that separates the FM2 and FM2n is the flash sync, with the FM2n going up to 1/250th compared to 1/200th on the FM2. This will allow for fill flash in brighter light on the FM2n. Between the FM2 and FM2n, the choice may be academic since the run of the FM2 was shorter, and the bulk of the availible models would be from the FM2n ...