Nikon S2 Review – Upstart Rival to the Leica M3 - 35mmc
2019年1月5日 · Nikon product designers quickly realized that their S2 was already obsolete before leaving the gate. So it was back to drawing board for Nikon to rapidly rethink the S2 and offer a compelling rival to Leica’s M3. And so they did. The Nikon S2 mimics many of the features of the M3, and even improves upon some of them.
尼康S2旁轴相机回顾 (转载自译版) - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
总体而言,尼康S2上所体现出的设计美学是永恒且经典的,这也许是人类所制造过的最漂亮的旁轴相机之一。 尼康借鉴并吸收了康泰时III型相机的设计,并通过那个年代日本特有的简洁设计理念表达出来。 其狂放不羁的机身线条以及恰到好处的工业设计相融合,给人们以一种这是一台相当严肃的摄影机器的感觉。 抚摸端详这台相机片刻,我发现这台相机不可思议地令人感到似曾相识。 没过一小会儿,我想起来了,尼康S2是历史上影响最大(也有人说是最伟大的)的单反相 …
尼康旁轴简史 机身篇_器材_色影无忌 - 无忌器材
2018年7月30日 · Nikon S2拥有诸多尼康的“第一”的头衔。 其中一些对Nikon S的重大改进包括:1.过片和回片装上了把手,而不是原先的单靠旋拧的方式。 2.采用了1:1放大倍率的取景器,可以让拍摄者在对焦时双眼同时睁开。
Vol. 8. Nikon S2 | Camera Chronicle | Nikon Consumer
The Nikon S2 was the top camera of its time in terms of performance. But much more than that, it was distinguished by its "nimbleness" — it epitomized small-camera mobility. The S2 is no match for modern built-in motor drive cameras. However, when it comes to snapshooting, the S2 holds its own in comparison to modern cameras.
Nikon S2 Rangefinder - CameraQuest
The S2 went on to become the most numerous Nikon Rangefinder, with over 56,000 produced. The S2 was replaced in 1957 by the legendary Nikon SP -- Nikon had finally caught up with Leica. Today many consider the S2 as the best choice for a "Nikon RF shooter" since it has an excellent finder, fast operation, and a comparatively moderate price ...
The Nikon S2 Rangefinder - Aly’s Vintage Camera Alley
2020年10月23日 · Even though Nikon was behind in features for their newest rangefinder, the S2 had a lot to offer compared to its predecessor the Nikon S. The major change being the final transition over to the 24 x 36mm film format we know today as 35mm film. The Nikon S2 also now had an advance lever instead of a knob to advance the film with ease.
Nikon S2 - Camera Review - Casual Photophile
2016年9月2日 · Though it looks a little out of the ordinary at first blush, the S2’s overall aesthetic is timeless and gorgeous. This may be one of the best looking rangefinders ever made. Nikon took cues from the Contax III and pared this down with …
Nikon S2 (1955) - mike eckman dot com
2017年12月28日 · This is a Nikon S2, a 35mm rangefinder made by Nippon Kogaku of Tokyo, Japan. The S2 was a significant upgrade to the original Nikon S rangefinder from 1948 and was made between the years 1955 and 1957 when it was replaced by the Nikon SP.
尼康旁轴特别机型 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
Nikon S之后的机型是S2,S2基本意味着尼康旁轴的最终成形,包括24x36的标准幅面。 S2的产量很多,所以二手市场的价格并不高。 但是,在S2的晚期,SP即将推出之前,有若干可以搭配电动马达的S2机型生产出来。
Nikon S2 Rangefinder - NikonWeb.com
It has the best 50mm viewfinder of any Nikon rangefinder, and is less expensive than the later SP, S3 and S4 models. More than 56.000 units were made, making it the most common Nikon rangefinder ever. You'll find nice S2's (including a 50mm lens) costing anywhere from $500 to $1000, or so. As always, the price depends on several factors.
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