Nikon Speedlight - Wikipedia
Speedlight is the brand name used by Nikon Corporation for their photographic flash units, used since the company's introduction of strobe flashes in the 1960s. Nikon's standalone Speedlights (those not built into the company's cameras) have the SB- prefix as part of …
Nikon SB-700 AF Speedlight Flash for Nikon Digital SLR …
Nikon SB-700 AF Speedlight Flash for Nikon Digital SLR Cameras, Standard Packaging
SB-700 | Speedlights | Nikon Consumer
Automatically detects Nikon FX and Nikon DX formats and selects suitable light distribution angle; Short recycling time; AF-assist illumination for multi-point AF, with wide 24-135 mm focal length range; Quick wireless control mode allows control of remote flash unit groups A and B flash output level ratios; Firmware updates via Nikon digital ...
Amazon.com : Nikon SB-5000 AF Speedlight : Electronics
2016年1月5日 · Introducing Nikon's new flagship Speed light, a flash designed to empower the most seasoned professionals and passionate enthusiasts. The SB-5000 AF Speed light takes Nikon's acclaimed Creative Lighting System with Advanced Wireless Lighting to the next level with both traditional optical wireless control and powerful new radio control.
Speedlights | Lineup | Nikon Consumer
Speedlight SB-5000. Speedlight SB-700. Speedlight SB-500. Speedlight SB-300. Wireless Remote Speedlight SB-R200. Wireless Speedlight Commander SU-800. Nikon Close-up Speedlight Kits. Lineup. Mirrorless Cameras; Digital SLR Cameras; NIKKOR Lenses; Compact Digital Cameras; Speedlights; Accessories; Application/Software; Camera / Camera Lens.
[超 冷门摄影器材]尼康SB-16子母闪光灯 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
尼康的SB系列闪光灯有很多,但却只有这唯一一个是子母闪光灯。 他在当年稍晚于 尼康F3 发布,在上个世纪七八十年代曾是很多婚礼和活动摄影师的必备。 子灯居中位于灯的前方, 与主灯固定成比例输出。 母灯向其他方向跳闪时,正面的子灯起到一个补光的作用,从而 削弱跳闪的不自然阴影,营造出比较自然的效果。 灯的背面有一个机械曝光计算盘。 中间一个推动的按钮,可以用来锁住灯头。 打开则灯头不仅可以上抬至90°,还能左右偏转。 这里依然是经典的 两档A档 …
Nikon SB-5000 AF Speedlight - B&H Photo Video
2024年1月11日 · Buy Nikon SB-5000 AF Speedlight featuring Radio Control Advanced Wireless Lighting, Cooling System for 100 Consecutive Shots, Compatible with Nikon i-TTL, Guide Number: 113' at ISO 100 and 35mm, Zoom Range: 24-200mm (14mm with Panel), Tilts from -7° to 90°, Rotates Left & Right 180°, Info Button for Quick Access to Settings, Recycle Time: 1. ...
Nikon SB-900 AF Speedlight Flash for Nikon Digital SLR Cameras
2008年7月26日 · The SB-900 i-TTL Speedlight leads the Nikon Creative Lighting System by delivering the portability, power, and versatility to support any photographer's creative lighting imagination. The SB-900 works as a wireless standalone flash, or you can use it as a commander or wireless remote light source.
- 评论数: 372
尼康(中国) - SB-700 闪光灯 - 产品介绍
尼康闪光灯系列各具特色,给您的相机带来最佳闪光效果。 具有易用性的特点,且对尼康胶片和数码单镜反光相机具有良好的TTL兼容性。
尼康(中国) - SB-500 闪光灯 - 产品介绍
SB-500的闪光指数为24(m,ISO 100),覆盖24mm(FX格式)或16mm(DX格式)的变焦范围,不断延伸您的创意表现。 支持尼康创意闪光系统 支持6种创意闪光功能:i-TTL闪光控制、无线闪光、模拟闪光、FV锁定、闪光色彩信息交流和自动FP高速同步。