Nikon Autofocus Flash Model: SB-20 Speedlight - MIR
Introduced to supplement the F501, the autofocus flash SB-20 was designed originally as a companion flash unit for the second Nikon AF SLR camera, the F-50. In many ways, although it was designed as an AF flash, but most of its features can also be use on any of the TTL or non-TTL Nikon bodies.
Nikon SB-20 Speedlight Electronic Camera Flash - Amazon.com
2009年5月29日 · The Nikon SB-20 is a decent flash for a low price. Don't let anyone try to sell you one for more than $50. I got mine here on amazon for about $20. It offers TTL and manual modes that work great. The manual mode goes down to 1/16 power. It's a powerful flash and it also has tilt function and zoom for telephotos to wide angles.
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NIKON SB 20 INSTRUCTION MANUAL Pdf Download | ManualsLib
View and Download Nikon SB 20 instruction manual online. Autofocus Speedlight. SB 20 camera flash pdf manual download.
Nikon SB-20 - KenRockwell.com
Sells used for $40 - 50 in 2007. Sold new in New York for $190 in December 1993. Compatiblily : Film Nikons. On digital, use any of the many on-flash (non-TTL) auto settigns, with work very well. SBY wakes up with D40! sleep in 90 sex. We'll see when I get one.
尼康Speedlight SB-20网友点评
权威的摄影器材评测与点评,全面深入的器材资讯。 汇聚摄影爱好者的宝贵摄影经验、技巧和影像处理方法。 各色各样的数码相机,单反相机,相机镜头资料尽在其中。
Please Excuse Me While I Clean My Lens: Review: Nikon SB-20
2007年5月14日 · The Nikon SB-20 was originally designed as an autofocus flash for the F501 and the last Nikon flash which included manual settings but did not include an LCD screen. SB-20s are also very common on the used market now as people sell …
尼康Speedlight SB-20规格参数 - xitek.com
权威的摄影器材评测与点评,全面深入的器材资讯。 汇聚摄影爱好者的宝贵摄影经验、技巧和影像处理方法。 各色各样的数码相机,单反相机,相机镜头资料尽在其中。
Nikon SB-20 flash - Dante Stella
The Nikon SB-20 is a compact flash designed primarily for Nikon SLRs but usable on most cameras with hot shoes. It runs on 4 x AA batteries and gets about 140 flashes to a charge. The flash has the following features.
Nikon SB-20 Speedlight Flash [GN100] {Bounce} - KEH Camera
SB20: (1986), GN 100 (30/m), standard ISO foot mount, designed for use with N2020 but also dedicated to N2000, FE2 and FA. TTL auto with dedicated cameras, must be used with AIS, AI or E series lenses. Five automatic settings (f/2-f/8), five manual settings from full to 1/16.
ニコン SB-20 (Nikon SB-20) | Camera Museum by awane …
ドラム式のワイドパネル,テレパネルが内蔵されており,回転させることで,28mm,35mm,85mmレンズの写角に対応させることが可能になる。 また,発光部は上下に角度を変えることができ,バウンス撮影にも対応できる。