Nimbus 6 - Wikipedia
Nimbus 6 (also called Nimbus F) was a meteorological satellite. It was the sixth in a series of the Nimbus program. Nimbus 6 was launched on 12 June 1975, by a Delta rocket from …
Nimbus 6 | NASA's Earth Observing System
The Nimbus 6 research-and-development satellite served as a stabilized, earth-oriented platform that tested advanced systems for the sensing and collecting of global-scale meteorological data.
NASA - NSSDCA - Spacecraft - Details
The Nimbus 6 research-and-development satellite served as a stabilized, earth-oriented platform for testing advanced systems for sensing and collecting meteorological data on a global scale.
The Nimbus-6 User's Guide - NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
The basic spacecraft system operation and the objectives of the Nimbus 6 flight are outlined, followed by a detailed discussion of each of the experiments. The format, archiving, and access to the data are also described.
Nimbus 6 - Gunter's Space Page
2023年1月14日 · The Nimbus 6 research-and-development satellite served as a stabilized, earth-oriented platform for testing advanced systems for sensing and collecting meteorological data on a global scale. The polar-orbiting spacecraft consisted of three major structures: a hollow torus-shaped sensor mount, solar paddles, and
WMO OSCAR | Satellite: Nimbus-6
Nimbus-6 | 6th flight unit of the Nimbus programme. Main missions: cloud imagery, IR and MW profiling, introduction of limb sounding. Substantial contribution to Earth radiation study and Atmospheric chemistry.
The Nimbus 6 data catalog. Volume 6: Data orbits 4339 through …
A summary of the documentation for each Nimbus 6 Data Catalog volume is presented. The pitch of the Nimbus 6 satellite has been made to alternate between +2.0 degrees, +0.6 degrees, and 0.0 degrees since launch. A positive pitch angle of 0.6 degrees moves the nadir-looking position 11.5 kilometers ahead of the subsatellite point.
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NASA - NSSDCA - Experiment - Details
2015年5月1日 · The Nimbus 6 Electrically Scanning Microwave Radiometer (ESMR) measured the earth's microwave emission to provide the liquid water content of clouds, the distribution and variation of sea ice cover, and gross characteristics of land surfaces (vegetation, soil moisture, and snow cover).
The Nimbus 6 data catalog, volume 12: Data orbits 9227 through …
Nimbus 6 was successfully launched from the Western Test Range, Vandenberg Air Force Base, California at 08 hr. 12 min. 00 sec. GMT on 12 June 1975. The orbit was nearly circular at 1093 x 1105 km. Satellite operations from launch through 14 July (orbit 425) consisted of engineering evaluation of all spacecraft systems.