NIMS Fellow, Project Leader of the Quantum Materials Project Dr. Takashi Taniguchi is renowned for high-pressure synthesis of hBN (hexagonal boron nitride) crystals, a key material in …
Review of hBN research Work_E - NIMS
By using hBN for the substrate of graphene, the electrical conduction properties of the graphene improved significantly, and its mobility reached almost one-order higher than that of the …
Quantum emitters in hexagonal boron nitride – Daichi Kozawa | NIMS
We focus on quantum emitters in two-dimensional hexagonal boron nitride (hBN), known for their unique photophysical properties and promising applications in quantum computing and …
晶体之王 - 中国数字科技馆
2020年1月7日 · 里面剩下嵌着的是闪耀的、透明的、毫米大小的晶体,这种晶体叫做六方氮化硼(hBN)。 世界上所有的材料实验室都想要Taniguchi和Watanabe在东京外筑波国家材料科学 …
Meet the crystal growers who sparked a revolution in graphene …
2019年8月21日 · Kenji Watanabe prepares hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) crystals (left); stacks of plastic trays holding hBN pile up for posting around the world. Credit: Mark Zastrow
Quantum Emitters in Hexagonal Boron Nitride: Principles, …
2025年3月21日 · This approach yields the purest hBN crystals among the fabrication methods mentioned above. Most notably, bulk hBN fabricated by Taniguchi, Watanabe, and co-workers …
Midgap radiative centers in carbon-enriched hexagonal boron …
When serving as a protection tissue and/or inducing a periodic lateral modulation for/in atomically thin crystals, hexagonal boron nitride, hBN, has revolutionised the research on van der Waals …
深紫外線発光する高純度六方晶窒化ホウ素の常圧液相成長に成功 | NIMS …
NIMS光材料センターは、深紫外線領域で高輝度に発光する高品質な六方晶窒化ホウ素 (hBN) を1気圧下で簡便に合成する技術を開発した。 独立行政法人物質・材料研究機構 (理事長 : 岸 …
[MANA E-BULLETIN Vol.12 - Feature] The Go-To Guy for Ultra-Pure hBN …
Dr. Takashi Taniguchi is renowned for high-pressure synthesis of hBN (hexagonal boron nitride) crystals, a key material in nanotechnology research.
hBN/BLG/hBN heterostructure with the top and the bottom gates (so-called “dual-gated structure”), where the hBN layers play the role of higha -quality dielectric on both sides. The …