How do i practice Nine Circles? :: Geometry Dash General …
2016年7月31日 · I mean, the wave starts at 40%, and always when i beat it in practice, when i start again i have to pass through all 0-40% and i mastered it so i want to start at wave part, but Zobros did not shared the pass code to get a copy of the level :( [My nick: SprintyXW]
Steam Community :: Guide :: Nine Circles levels
2016年6月11日 · Circles Power - IXxDrawingGxXI: 14509313 Nine Circles XII - IIRustamII: 13703326 ;Difficulty: 3/10 Mlg Swag Circles 3 - Kotlet2014: 18354480 Ice Circles - KerteX: 20105678 Blaster Circles - FredoCJ: 10950838 Sonic Wave - Cyrillic: 13064746 Paracosm Circles - N1XO: 10197026 Ultra Paracosm - iIiRulasiIi: 11588490 ;Difficulty: 2/10 Sharp Minor ...
Steam Community :: Guide :: Nine Circles; Eazy
2015年11月27日 · the level starts as a very easy cube part, and a quik rapid tap will do. then we see a short string of invisiblocks and fake blocks where you have to memorize the pattern. not too hard. then comes a circles ball part that is fairly siple and not much tricks. then we reach the nine circles part where you go at triple speed through sharp turns ...
Nine Circles Password :: Geometry Dash General Discussions
The password used to be 04580 or something, but he changed it. 11962411 is my own level.
Nine Circles Level order? :: Geometry Dash General Discussions
2015年8月3日 · What is the recommended order of nine circles levels to beat? ... Geometry Dash. All Discussions ...
Is 11k attempts on Nine Circles normal? :: Geometry Dash General ...
2021年5月18日 · I beat my first easy demon and my first medium demon in about 1500 attempts, but Nine circles took me 11k. I keep seeing comments on Nine Circles saying "gg 4k attempts" and "gg 3k attempts", so I am wondering If I should have beaten more easy/medium demons first. Nine Circles was my 16th demon and my first hard demon.
What the hell is a Nine Circles Level :: Geometry Dash General …
2015年7月14日 · Zobros made a level to the Night Killa's song "Nine Circles" and the level is most memorable for its wave section. It is a tripple speed wave (most of the time) going through narrow passages which are constantly flashing through the wave section.
Any easy nine circles levels? :: Geometry Dash General Discussions
Name: Heaven ID: 8104517 Creator: PclJm1n3r [me] isnt demon YET but is the same or harder than problematic...still easy tho ;)
Should I try beating Nine Circles? :: Geometry Dash General …
2021年12月15日 · Nine Circles is actually really easy. This information is coming from an unexperienced GD player thats only beaten about 28 demons, ALL of them are easy demons, except for ToE2 and Clubstep. I used Mega Hack v7 on nine circles and beat it …
Demon rated Nine Circles levels? :: Geometry Dash General …
2015年9月23日 · I know of 48 demon rated Nine Circles style levels, and I will list them here. If you want to add one to the list, it must meet these requirements: -It is rated demon and rewards stars. -It must be an existing level. -I need the ID of the level, the list will be in order by release date. They are: -Nine Circles (Zobros) -Fairydust (SuperPizzaLuigi) -The Realistic (Softable) …