Consider using OSC 9;9 to inform Windows Terminal about CWD #8166 - GitHub
2020年11月4日 · One thing I'd like to point out is that, we are mainly targeting #3158 as the primary usage of OSC 9;9. It does not have much sense to check path existence upfront, we could have e.g. /c/users/admin on remote and localhost both.
What are OSC terminal control sequences / escape codes?
OSC are “operating system command” control sequences and there’s a few of them supported by hterm / SecureShell. I find a few super interesting (\033 being ESC in the doc linked above): 0: set window title: echo -e "\033]0;This is the window title\a" 9: show system notification (iTerm2 variant): echo -e "\033]9;This is the notification ...
Windows Terminal OSC 9;9 for PowerShell · GitHub
2020年9月18日 · Windows defines the file URL as being a UNC path, so the correct format is file://wsl$/Ubuntu. Which conflicts with the OSC 7 spec of using the hostname to recognise (and ignore) remote paths, while a UNC path is a local path to a remote location. Convert-Path fixes the UNC path issue for me.
Nine OSC - YouTube
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Kitty shows a desktop notification every time a directory is ... - GitHub
2024年6月7日 · OSC 9 is not a kitty specific thing. kitty supports it because it is somewhat widely used and was first pioneered by iTerm over a decade ago. I dont know why Windows Terminal decided to stomp all over an existing widely used and supported escape code but they should fix that. Reference: https://iterm2.com/documentation-escape-codes.html kitty does
Control Ableton Live via Open Sound Control (OSC) - GitHub
AbletonOSC is a MIDI remote script that provides an Open Sound Control (OSC) interface to control Ableton Live. Building on ideas from the older LiveOSC scripts, its aim is to expose the entire Live Object Model API ( full API docs ), providing comprehensive control over Live's control interfaces using the same naming structure and object ...
详细配置 MPV 的重量级用户脚本 uosc:控制篇 | 绅士喵
2024年10月29日 · uosc 是一个第三方 OSC(屏幕控制器),我们可以让它更紧密的与 MPV 默认操作集成。 本文将告诉你怎么做, 这是一篇 新手向教程。 过程十分简单! uosc 是 micro osc 的缩写,原本含义是微型 OSC。 后来发展成了一个小巧精美、全能,并且是最流行的第三方 UI。 无论你是否接受 MPV 默认的简陋 OSC,我都建议你尝试 uosc,它真的非常赞。 请确保自己通过 此处 的安装步骤完成了 uosc 的安装,并对配置具有基本认知。 uosc 的缺省配置其实足够好 …
Genome-wide identification of oxidosqualene cyclase genes …
2024年9月10日 · Oxidosqualene cyclase (OSC) is a key member for regulating natural rubber biosynthesis (NRB) via the triterpenoid biosynthesis pathway. To explore the functions of OSC on natural rubber producing in TKS, its gene family members were identified in TKS genome via genome-wide screening.
node-osc - npm
pyOSC inspired library for sending and receiving OSC messages. Latest version: 9.1.4, last published: 5 months ago. Start using node-osc in your project by running `npm i node-osc`.
[Ch.21] MPV Player 官方文档中有关屏幕控制器OSC的说明 v0.34.0
屏幕控制器(简称OSC)是一个集成在mpv播放器当中的最小化图形界面,用于提供最基本的鼠标控制能力,旨在让新用户(与软件)交互起来更为简便,并且能够精准且直接地找到(自己想要的内容) 如果mpv在编译时带上了支持Lua的选项,那么OSC默认是启用状态,同时也能通过使用 --osc=no 选项彻底地禁用它。 使用OSC. 默认情况下,当鼠标在播放器窗口内移动的时候OSC才会显现;如果鼠标一直停留在OSC感知区域内静置0.5秒(默认时长,可自定义)或者离开了窗 …