  1. Copilot 答案

    Electric Ninja Stars - Soul Knight Wiki

    • In order to unlock this weapon, the player must first find its Blueprint and then use the Design Tableto develop it. Once done, it can be forged. 1. Developing this weapon requires its Blueprint and 1500 Gems.… 展开

    Merging Recipes

    This weapon can be combined with: 1. Another Electric Ninja Stars or Upgrade Kit to make Quantum Ninja Stars 2. Thunder Warhammer to make Zeus Thunderbolt 展开


    Launches a copy of itself which damages enemiesthat come into contact with the projectile. The projectile ignores all obstacles and despawns after 3 seconds, firing electric arcs in its lifetime directly at up to 4 nearby e… 展开

    Notable Buff Effects

    - This Buff affects this weapon as intended. The following Buffs interact with Electric Ninja Stars in a specific way:
    - Reduces inaccuracy by 7
    - Increases the electric arcs' damage by 1.
    - Two additional … 展开