Niobe Golden Weeping Willow Tree (Salix alba Tristis)
Niobe is a fast-growing Golden Weeping Willow tree with that prefers moist areas. It has a wide-spreading crown with long golden-yellow, drooping branches. It showcases delicate narrow leaves with tooth edges that are bright green and turn yellow in fall.
Niobe Golden Weeping Willows for Sale - FastGrowingTrees.com
Classic Weeping Willow Form with Golden Branches. For a graceful and colorful willow, you’ll love the Niobe Golden Weeping Willow! It’s a low-maintenance and cold-hardy tree that is fast-growing. Plus, it has cascading golden branches that instantly transform your yard into a woodland dream.
Niobe Golden Weeping Willow | Cascading Golden Branches
Niobe Golden Weeping Willow is primarily valued in the landscape for its highly ornamental weeping form. It has rich green deciduous foliage. The glossy narrow leaves turn yellow in fall. The furrowed brown bark and gold branches are extremely showy …
Niobe Golden Weeping Willow (Salix alba 'Niobe') at Squak ...
Niobe Golden Weeping Willow is primarily valued in the landscape for its highly ornamental weeping form. It has rich green deciduous foliage. The glossy narrow leaves turn yellow in fall. The furrowed brown bark and gold branches are extremely showy …
Niobe Golden Weeping Willow - Bower & Branch
Its elegant, flowing form, golden stems, and fluttery, silver-backed leaves will paint a beautiful and soothing picture outside your window. Weeping Willow is a fast-growing tree (the fastest-growing tree we have for sale), and you’ll appreciate the quick privacy screen it provides.
Niobe Gold Weeping Willow Trees - Arbor Hill Trees Omaha Blog
Niobe Gold Weeping Willow Trees are one of the more interesting of the weeping willows. Also known as Niobe Golden, this weeping willow produces a more upright weeping branch structure that starts out as a soft golden color deepening to a brilliant yellow bark during the winter months.
Willow, Niobe Golden Weeping - TheTreeFarm.com
One of the hardiest and most beautiful of all the Willows. This tree possesses large, stout branches supporting secondary branches that weep gently to the ground. Give this tree room, it can grow quite large. Hardy to -30°F Maximum Elevation: 6,500 Feet.
Niobe Golden Weeping Willow Tree - Stark Bro’s
The Niobe Golden Weeping Willow (Salix alba ‘Tristis’) is a cultivar of the white willow tree, which is native to Europe and Asia. The ‘Tristis’ cultivar is known for its stunning, golden-yellow foliage and its graceful, weeping habit.
Golden Weeping Willow (Niobe Willow) | Natorp's Online Plant ...
A large, elegant tree with bright green foliage turns a golden yellow in the fall. This is a fast growing tree that looks striking when grown by ponds, lakes and streams. It prefers moist to wet soils, but also, tolerates some dryness.
Large growing ‘weeping’ willow with golden bark. Grows well in moist soil but prefers well-drained conditions. Also listed as S.a. ‘Niobe’ or S. vitellina ‘Pendula’. Closed on all legal holidays.