Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ28: Digital Photography Review
2008年7月21日 · Panasonic has today announced the Lumix DMC-FZ28. The new camera is the successor to the popular FZ18 and comes with a slightly increased resolution (10.1 vs 8.0 MP) and all the zoom range you could ever need (27-486mm, 35mm equivalent). However, if that's still not enough there is also an optional 1.7x tele converter available.
综合性能强大 高端18倍长焦DC松下FZ28首测 - PConline
2008年8月5日 · 松下FZ28 是FZ18的升级版,采用新一代维纳斯IV图像处理引擎,带来更好的成像和更强大的功能。 FZ28采用时下主流的1/2.3英寸CCD,2.7英寸23万像素LCD,其18倍光学变焦镜头涵盖27-486mm,并且带有功能更为先进的松下MEGA O.I.S光学防抖。 作为一台高端长焦DC,FZ28还拥有丰富的特色功能,其操控性也广受赞誉。 当然,从FZ28的定位来说并没有达到同门师兄FZ50的级别,但是在市场上众多18倍产品来说,松下长焦DC的性能是比较出众的。 在 …
Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ28 Review - Trusted Reviews
2008年8月22日 · The FZ28 will suit anyone looking for a super-zoom camera, whether they want the creative power of its extensive manual options, or the reliable simplicity of its advanced automatic features.
Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ28 review: Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ28 - CNET
2009年5月21日 · But the FZ28 makes up for these possible perceived shortcomings with a solid feature set, including manual exposure controls, Panasonic's excellent MEGA OIS (optical image stabilization), and a...
松下FZ28 - 百度百科
松下fz28是一款高端长焦数码相机,定位于高端市场,继承了fz18的功能特点并进行了小幅改进。 它搭载了18倍光学变焦镜头,焦段覆盖27-486mm,最近对焦距离为1cm,适合各种拍摄需求。
Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ28 Digital Camera Review - ePHOTOzine
2008年11月20日 · Sporting a 27mm wide angle zoom lens that can crop in to a mouth watering 486mm, the Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ28 costs around £259 and also gives you a Leica lens, RAW recording and 1cm macro...
Nikon L830 vs Panasonic FZ28 Full Comparison - PXLMAG.com
The following is a complete comparison of the Nikon L830 versus Panasonic FZ28, both Small Sensor Superzoom digital cameras by companies Nikon and Panasonic. There exists a noticeable gap between the sensor resolutions of the L830 (16MP) and FZ28 (10MP) but they feature the exact same sensor sizes (1/2.3"). Snapchat Adds Watermarks to AI ...
综合性能强大 高端18倍长焦DC松下FZ28评测 - 新浪科技
2010年5月25日 · fz28采用时下主流的1/2.3英寸ccd,2.7英寸23万像素lcd,其18倍光学变焦镜头涵盖27-486mm,并且带有功能更为先进的松下mega o.i.s光学防抖。
Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ28 香港價錢、相機規格及相關報道
Panasonic FZ28、FX180、FX38 登場 除了成為大家焦點的 LX3,Panasonic 同時亦推出了一系列全新機款。 包括有長炮 Prosumer 機 FZ28、以超高 1470 萬像素作賣點的 FX180,以及主打 25mm... (繼續閱讀)
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Nikon D90 vs Panasonic FZ28 Full Comparison - PXLMAG.com
The following is a in-depth analysis of the Nikon D90 vs Panasonic FZ28, former is a Advanced DSLR while the other is a Small Sensor Superzoom by brands Nikon and Panasonic. The image resolution of the D90 (12MP) and the FZ28 (10MP) is very similar but the D90 (APS-C) and FZ28 (1/2.3") posses totally different sensor sizes.
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