Nirṛti - Wikipedia
A painting of Nirrti riding a man and accompanied by servants, c. 1820. According to some scholars and authors, the goddess Nirṛti transformed into a male in later Hindu mythology and became a dikpala. Nirṛti is regarded as the guardian of the southwest direction. [11]
Nirrti | SGCommand | Fandom
Nirrti was a Goa'uld System Lord who experimented to create and exploit advanced humans which she continued to do up until her death in January 2003. When the Goa'uld still held dominion over Earth, Nirrti had little interest whatsoever in political bickering or …
Nirrti | Niruthi Dikpala | Guardian Goddess of Southwest direction
2020年12月28日 · Nirrti is considered as the goddess of miseries and sorrows, one of the guardians of southwest directions. She is also considered as an incarnation of Mata Parvati, and was mentioned in Rigveda and in other famous sacred Hindu texts. She is also mentioned as living in the kingdom of the dead.
Nirrti - World Mythos
2024年12月19日 · Nirrti is a significant figure in Hindu mythology, often associated with darkness, destruction, and misfortune. She is considered a goddess who embodies the darker aspects of existence. In the vast pantheon of Hindu deities, Nirrti holds a unique place, often contrasted with more benevolent deities.
Nirrti – Guardian of Southwest Direction - SculpturePedia
Nirṛti also spelled as Nirruti or Nirriti, is a Hindu deity, personifying death, decay, and sorrow. Nirrti is regarded as a Dikapala (“guardian of the directions”) of the southwest. God or Goddess? In early Hindu scriptures, Nirṛti is a goddess who is lives in the kingdom of the dead. In later Hinduism, Nirṛti or Nirṛta
Description of Goddess Nirrti - Wisdom Library
2024年9月3日 · Nirrti as earth is connected with Nerthus, the ancient Teutonic deity of earth and fertility (Mythological Dictionary, p. 115). In Rgveda she is not the earth-goddess. According to Sayana, she is the raksa jatidevata (Comm on Rigveda VI.38.6). Nirrti originally meant the territory of the Raksasas.
Nirrti - The Stargate Omnipedia - GateWorld
On this planet, Hanka, Nirrti had spent years conducting genetic experiments on the human population in an attempt to engineer a hok'taur – a genetically advanced human host. She believed that taking a host with abilities like telekinesis and telepathy would make her more powerful than ever.
Goddess Nirrti In Hinduism - Hindu Blog
Goddess Nirrti in Hinduism is the Goddess of destruction, identified with misery, decay and dissolution. She is referred to as the fetter of ruin and is also invoked to wipe of sins. In the ritualistic worship of Nirrti, the remnants of the offering (food etc) can only be partaken by the priest; others may only smell them.
scripture - Who is Goddess Nirrti? - Hinduism Stack Exchange
2019年1月26日 · Who is Goddess Nirrti? Ask Question Asked 6 years, 1 month ago. Modified 6 years, 1 month ago. Viewed 2k times 3 . Manusmriti Chapter 11: But a student who has broken his vow shall offer at night on a crossway to Nirriti a one-eyed ass, according to the rule of the Pakayagnas. It says if a twice born men, who is a Brahmachari, intentionally ...
NIRRTI - the Hindu Goddess of Destruction (Hindu mythology)
Nirrti Facts and Figures. Name: Nirrti Pronunciation: Coming soon Alternative names: Nirhti, Nirrhiti. Gender: Female Type: Goddess Celebration or Feast Day: Unknown at present. Role: In charge of: Destruction Area of expertise: Destruction. Good/Evil Rating: BAD, best avoided Popularity index: 6550