Nissan Skyline - Wikipedia
Starting with the third-generation Skyline (C10) and up to the tenth-generation Skyline (R34), the chassis, suspension and some of the engines were shared with the luxury-oriented longer wheelbase Nissan Laurel.
Nissan Skyline GT-R - Wikipedia
The Nissan Skyline GT-R (Japanese: 日産・スカイラインGT-R, Hepburn: Nissan Sukairain GT-R) is a Japanese sports car based on the Nissan Skyline range. The first cars named "Skyline GT-R" were produced between 1969 and 1972 under the model code KPGC10, and were successful in Japanese touring car racing events.
Used NISSAN SKYLINE R29 for sale - Goo-net Exchange
Used NISSAN SKYLINE R29 for sale (List View) | Japanese used cars and Japan car exporters. Website 'Goo-net Exchange' shall make all of customers satisfied to buy Cars from us.
From Skyline to GT-R™: The Evolution of a Supercar - Nissan USA
A stripped-down version of the R32 entered the Japanese Touring Car Championship in 1989 and won every race it started—29 in a row—over the next four seasons. It was then that the legend of the GT-R was truly born.
【梓龙车话】以“战神”之名 带你走进日产Skline GTR的前世今生
在第二代GTR生不逢时于1973年停产直到1989年第三代GTR R32战神归来的16年断代的时光里,日产推出了Skyline C210、R29、R30、R31等车型,但因为这些车款未推出GT-R版本,所以它们并非是GTR的正统继承人,但它们仍然是Skyline车系承上启下重要的一环,因为从R29这一代车 …
Nissan Skyline For Sale - BaT Auctions - Bring a Trailer
Power is supplied by a twin-turbocharged 2.6-liter RB26DETT inline-six linked with a six-speed manual transmission and an ATTESA E-TS Pro all-wheel-drive system with an active rear limited-slip…
Nissan Skyline For Sale at Best Prices - JDM Export
With thousands of cars available at a time on jdmexport.com, the Nissan Skyline for sale that you have been looking for is now at the palm of your hand. Our website is truly user-friendly, which makes the process of filtering, comparing and searching for items seem so effortless.
Nissan GT-R 为何如此受欢迎? - 知乎
日产 GT-R 是日产汽车生产的高性能高可靠性的大马力跑车。 日产公司旗下的 Skyline 房车系,在经过多年的演化改进之后,出现了 GT-R 车型,也成为系列的最高版本,被无数 FANS 追捧 …
The Nissan Skyline: Everything Prior To The R32 - Hemmings
2024年12月25日 · Make no mistake, the RS-Turbo is a righteous flag bearer with a distinctive place in Nissan racing lore.
歼10发动机选定的涡喷15是仿制米格23的r29发动机,未定型,被 …
综上所述,r29/35是末代涡喷,苏联最拿得出手的大推力战斗机发动机,除了油耗率不如涡扇以外,其余性能反而更好。 如果用它作为核心机,使用现代工艺改进材料和制造方法,就能得到一款优秀的大推力涡扇——雅克141上的R79—300就是苏联的尝试,但它的数据云山雾罩难辨真假,后来没有发展下去十分可惜。 这也是为什么从歼20诞生以来一直有传闻ws15是R79的“再造版”。 Р29-300 的最大军推油耗大概比 АЛ-31Ф 高 26.7%,重了约 350 千克。 我记得之前微博有人发过 …