The Nissan GT-R NISMO 400R is a justifiable JDM legend
2021年10月26日 · Built for the late-1996 and 1997 model year, the 400R is not only the ultimate R33 GT-R, but arguably the most technologically advanced road-going Japanese sports car through the end of the millennium.
1997 Nismo 400R: Ultimate Guide - Supercars.net
The 400R could very well have been Nissan’s very first ‘everyday supercar’. The technologically advanced active limited slip differential and rear-biased ATTESA E-TS Pro AWD system ensure efficient situational power distribution to each wheel resulting in improved turn-in, traction and overall handling.
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1998 NISSAN SKYLINE (R33) GT-R NISMO 400R - Collecting Cars
2023年8月5日 · This Nissan Skyline R33 GT-R Nismo 400R is a coveted 1990s JDM performance hero, and one which is also astonishingly rare with just 40 understood to have been built. The car presents in period-correct specification, with very well-documented low mileage from new.
JDM中的王者,GT-R众神之神日产R33 400R赏析 - 懂车帝
2020年3月26日 · 而这款限量44台的R33 400R,其动力参数高达400hp,而改装之后更可怕,在那个年代就相当于超跑了。 为什么这么说呢,因为RB26DETT引擎的N1版本有着巨大的改装潜力,尽管中缸部分为铸铁材质,但通过对标准版的油路、水路进行重新设计和优化之后,不对缸体进行深度强化便可使其参数提升到800匹左右,而一旦对中缸进行强化后,这副引擎便可承受2000匹左右的最大马力,并且不会有爆引擎、烧机油的顾虑。 但不可忽略的,是R33一代车型相 …
Nissan Revives Legendary 400R Name for the JDM Skyline
2019年7月16日 · Here's one for all you JDM fans out there: Nissan has revived the iconic 400R badge. Arguably one of the most legendary names in Japanese-car history, only 44 examples of the original R33 Skyline...
尘封怪兽:日产GT-R33 NISMO 400R - 车家号
400R是NISMO第一台用于市售的车型,注意,是市售,也就是大批量生产的改装车,对于日本改装界而言是一个较为新鲜的尝试,也就是它的出现,令日本的改装车可以堂而皇之地进入消费者的视野。 400R 的产量不高,从1996年1月在东京改装车展上被发布到R33停产,才只有44台被组装完成(一说99台,但实际上只卖出了44台),其产量虽少,但意义却非常深远,400R是当年日本马力最大的量产车,其400R的称呼就是因为其输出功率达到了400匹;当年最贵的日本 …
尼桑 | 战神Nissan Skyline GT-R进化史 —— 从1957至2018的那些 …
2019年4月15日 · 可能是原厂最强的GT-R也说不定,1997年推出的NISMO 400R,限量44台400R的版本。 搭载了RBX-GT2引擎,2.8L直六涡轮引擎,原厂400马力,售价在1997年就达到了10W美金。 RB26DETT引擎有两个版本,一个是标准版(05U)一个是N1版(24U),虽然两者中缸部分均为铸铁材质,但后者在油路、水路都经过重新设计和优化,而且还方便了扩缸作业(最大可扩缸只3.4公升),经过诸多修改后的N1引擎,在不需要对缸体进行深度强化时,其升级潜 …
Developed after researching countless tuned vehicles, the 400R has masses of qualities than just being fast. The true excitement of operating a R33 GT-R in its finest essence has been revived. This concept has been passed on from many generations of the GT-R to its successor.
Nissan NISMO 400R specs, quarter mile, lap times, performance …
1997 Nissan NISMO 400R specs, quarter mile, lap times, performance data, top speed, engine specifications, pictures, updated June 2024.