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Infiniti QX30 - Wikipedia
The Infiniti QX30 is a subcompact luxury crossover SUV manufactured and marketed by Nissan's Infiniti luxury brand. It is heavily based on the Q30 hatchback with modifications mainly in its ride height in order for it to be marketed as a crossover.
2019 Infiniti QX30 Review, Pricing, and Specs - Car and Driver
Concept-car styling, nicely crafted interior, Sport model truly feels sporty. Subpar fuel economy, cramped cabin, fully loaded versions are pricey. This hatchback heartthrob has crossover appeal...
【奇骏 (X-Trail)】日产奇骏报价及图片、怎么样_网易汽车
奇骏 (X-Trail)是日产的国产车厂东风日产于2008年推出的一款SUV,最新年款为2023英文名:X-Trail,别名:日产都市SUV,官方指导价:17.99-26.29万元;市场价:6.0-22.2万;排量:1.5L/2.0L;变速箱:无级变速;图片 (2003张);车型报价 (19款)。 奇骏文章和奇骏车友论坛等 …
传奇日产Z系列-日产中国 - nissan
第一代"Fairlady Z"S30,即240Z,诞生于1969年12月,成为高性能车中一颗耀眼的新星,在全球赢得巨大市场,销量超过52万辆,创造了跑车单款车型销量的最好纪录。 1978年,第二代“Fairlady Z” 280Z-T问世,个性前卫,刷新时尚潮流新高度;搭载2.8升OHC六缸发动机。 第三代“Fairlady Z” 200ZG,于1983年推出,同年Z系列总产量突破100万辆。 它是日本首款使用V6涡轮增压发动机的车型,更为简洁的流线造型与独特的平行上升大灯使此车风靡一时。 第四 …
买车无忧 、 海量车源、品质保障、上门评估、轻松卖高价 、马上 高价卖车。 对比测试新长安睿行M60和海狮X30L,谁更能成为致富伙伴? 数据加载中...
2001 Nissan X-Trail 2.0 Specs & Performance (X30) - encyCARpedia
2023年11月14日 · Technical specifications for the 2001-2007 Nissan X-Trail 2.0 (X30) 5 door SUV. Find & compare performance, practicality, chassis, brakes, top speed, acceleration, suspension, engine, weights, luggage & more. Years …
Nissan X-Trail (X30) Overview - encyCARpedia
This generation of the Nissan X-Trail (X30) was produced by the Japanese manufacturer Nissan between 2000 - 2007. It's a front engined SUV with either four-wheel drive or front-wheel drive. There are four power levels available from either a 2.2 L …
Specs for all Nissan X Trail (T30) versions - Ultimate Specs
Choose a Nissan X Trail (T30) version from the list below to get information about engine specs, horsepower, CO2 emissions, fuel consumption, dimensions, tires size, weight and many other facts. Notice also the plus sign to access the comparator tool where you can compare up to 3 cars at once side by side.
日产全新一代X-Trail奇骏-日产中国 - nissan
作为全球战略车型,它是基于全新CMF-CD平台开发的首款SUV,面向中美两大汽车市场设计开发,兼顾世界其他主要市场需求,由内而外进行了革命性的革新,是日产汽车有史以来全球化程度最高车型。 这款车的全新造型,彰显了日产汽车的设计革新,浮动式车顶设计体现蓄势待发的姿态,前脸日产立体双V-Motion设计,赋予车辆更多力量感和守护感;整体设计更加年轻化,更符合年轻一代的审美。 内饰设计,视觉效果更加大气,悬浮式操作台及全新换挡杆,让驾驶生活充 …