Nissan VVL engine - Wikipedia
Nissan Ecology Oriented Variable Valve Lift and Timing (commonly known as VVL & VVT) is an automobile variable valve timing technology developed by Nissan. VVL varies the duration, and lift of valves by using hydraulic pressure switch between two different sets of camshaft lobes.
Variable Valve Event and Lift - Wikipedia
Nissan Variable Valve Event and Lift (commonly abbreviated as VVEL) is an automobile variable valve timing technology developed by Nissan. Nissan VK50VE Engine. Nissan VVEL was first introduced to the US market in late-2007 on the 2008 Infiniti G37 Coupe sporting the new "VVEL" VQ37VHR engine (VQ37VHR motor specs: 11.0:1 CR, 95.5mm bore, 86mm ...
Innovation - Nissan Motor Corporation Global Website
NISSAN's newly developed Variable Valve Event and Lift (VVEL) system for realizing unprecedented balance of responsiveness and power, fuel efficiency and low emissions.
可变进气不只有VTEC,日产NEO VVL可变气门升程技术
2020年7月21日 · 日产 NEO VVL 的全称是 Nissan Ecology Oriented Variable Valve Lift and Timing,是一套应用于四冲程汽油引擎上的可变气门升程控制系统,其工作原理与VTEC级MIVEC相类似,都是凸轮轴上有两组不同大小的凸轮,通过摇臂中的切换机构,让气门实现开启深度和关闭时间的、两种模式的变化。 改变摇臂传动的方式,日产并没有采用VTEC那种活梢式,而是采用杠杆式控制,及类似于改变杠杆的支点而改变行程的原理。 揭开SR20VE的气门室盖后 …
Variable Valve Timing, the Nissan Way - MotorTrend
2014年4月18日 · Nissan's VVL, which stands for Variable Valve Lift, does what VCT didn't. Here, valve lift and duration change by means of alternating cam lobes and a hydraulic oil pressure stream that sets...
Nissan’s Neo VVL Technology Explained - Low Offset
2023年12月30日 · What Is Nissan’s NEO VVL Technology? NEO VVL, or Nissan Ecology Oriented Variable Valve Lift and Timing, is the company’s take on variable valve timing and lift. Having better control over the valve timings allows the engine to …
Nissan VVL engine - Wikiwand
Nissan Ecology Oriented Variable Valve Lift and Timing (commonly known as VVL & VVT) is an automobile variable valve timing technology developed by Nissan. VVL varies the duration, and lift of valves by using hydraulic pressure switch between two different sets of camshaft lobes.
Nissan’s SR20VE NEO VVL Engine - Low Offset
2023年9月12日 · The SR20VE is the most popular Nissan engine to use the NEO VVL technology, but it was never the first one to do so; that honor goes to the SR16VE. Displacing 1,998 cc, the SR20VE features an all-aluminum engine design with an 86 mm bore and 86 mm stroke, much like its SR cousins.
Nissan SR20VET: Specs, Reliability & Swap Info - Low Offset
2023年7月30日 · The SR20VET features what Nissan calls NEO VVL, which is pretty much the same as variable valve timing and lift control. But the real question is, what makes it unique? Why isn’t the SR20VET motor as popular as its DET cousin?
About: Nissan VVL engine - DBpedia Association
Nissan Ecology Oriented Variable Valve Lift and Timing (commonly known as VVL & VVT) is an automobile variable valve timing technology developed by Nissan. VVL varies the duration, and lift of valves by using hydraulic pressure switch between two different sets of camshaft lobes.