Roshila Koju - Google Scholar
R Koju, B Maharjan, KR Gosai, S Kittur, KSG Sundar. Waterbirds 42 (4), 355-453, 2019. 32: 2019: First assessment of factors affecting breeding success of storks in lowland Nepal using Bayesian Network models. KSG Sundar, R Koju, B Maharjan, BG Marcot, S Kittur, KR Gosai.
香りを紡ぐお線香とお香 | 香司 香十
香十オンラインショップでは、はじめてお香をお使いになる方から. 聞香、香道を楽しまれる方、気分転換されたい方、贈り物をお選びになる方など. 様々なご用途にお応えできるよう香りある豊かな暮らしをテーマに、 お香、お線香、オードトワレ、香り袋、名私香、香道具など全国にお届けいたします。
About - Nippon Kodo
Nippon Kodo's devotion to making fine incense follows a long and honored tradition that started more than 400 years ago and can be traced back to Juemon Takai, better known as Koju, a skilled artisan in the art and the principal provider of precious rare and exquisite aromas to the Emperor of Japan and his Court.
About Us | NIPPON KODO Japanese Quality Incense Since 1575
Nippon Kodo's devotion to making fine incense follows a long and honored tradition that started more than 400 years ago and can be traced back to Jyuemon Takai, better known as Koju, a skilled artisan in the art and the principal provider of precious rare and exquisite aromas to the Emperor of Japan and his Court.
narayan koju - Google Scholar
NP Koju, B Bashyal, BP Pandey, S Thami, MK Dhamala, SN Shah. Journal of Threatened Taxa 12 (2), 15256-15261, 2020. 13: 2020: Assessment of physico-chemical parameters along with the concentration of heavy metals in the effluents released from different industries in …
Naresh Koju - Google Scholar
N Koju, J Hermes, SE Saghaian, L Yang. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2023. 7: 2023: The effects of powder feedstock and process parameters on the material characteristics of Ti6Al4V thin strut features fabricated by laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing.
Ginger shoty & sirupy | Koju.cz
Posiluje imunitu . má antioxidační a protizánětlivé účinky, díky kterým dokáže imunitní systém lépe reagovat na možná nebezpečí ; Pomůže při tréninku . zrychlí krevní oběh a nabudí před tréninkem ; zvýší tělesnou teplotu a pocení, které způsobuje vyšší vyplavování endorfinů, díky tomu se po cvičení cítíte lépe ...
Liha Oju Omi Cleansing Mud - Space NK
Unclog pores and rebalance tired, dull skin with Liha Beauty Oju Omi Cleansing Mud, a hydrating facial cleanser that works to brighten and plump the skin.
日本の香り文化の継承と創造 座 香十 - koju.co.jp
座香十は『日本の香り文化の継承と創造』をコンセプトに、日本の文化を楽しみながら、知り、学び、創る場です。 1回のみのイベント型と、数回1コマで解ることを目的とする2タイプがあります。
Koji: Introducing the Kinds of Koji and How to Use It
Introducing the Kinds of Koji and How to Use It. Copied the URL ! “Is koji different from koji spore and koji starters?” “How many kinds of koji can I find and how to use them?” This article is about the complete guide about koji and everything you need to learn about it. Let’s dive further into the Japanese fermentation food culture! Content List.