Deciding between an artificial primary key and a natural key for a ...
2009年2月26日 · You'll likely create a unique key on the natural key anyway, so making it the PK of a standalone table should be fine. One benefit is the NK is more intuitive than a surrogate key on a childless table. In all but the simplest internal situations, I …
Difference Between Natural Key and Surrogate Key? - Databases ...
2013年6月27日 · A single-column PK is usually also known as a Surrogate key, which is merely a PK column that uses a generated number that is unique in the table. A Primary Key can be either a single column using a surrogate (meaningless) number (a.k.a. Surrogate Key) or a column or set of columns that have meaning to the user and uniquely identify a row in a ...
Oracle中唯一约束和唯一索引,PK,FK,UK.CK - CSDN博客
2014年12月10日 · oracle 10g/11g学习目标:掌握表空间及用户的创建、修改和删除操作,了解oracle的基本知识,熟练掌握记录的插入、删除、修改和查询操作,了解pk/ck/uk/fk等知识,掌握权限管理。
A New Understanding of Keys Part 2: Kinds of Keys
2018年4月22日 · A NK is a CK that arises from the conceptual model of the enterprise and represents a name or a property, either of which may be composite; A SK is artificially created as a substitute for an NK (possibly where no NK is known) and generated specifically for the application, for the business/enterprise, or in the common context and created by ...
复混肥料 - 百度百科
可以通过化学合成和混配制成,包括二元型(如NP、NK、PK)和三元型(NPK)。 这类肥料可节约包装和运输成本,减少施肥次数,也可根据当地土壤养分供应状况和目标作物需肥特性设计养分配方,生产专用型肥料。 这是中国当前肥料生产和施用的基本发展方向。 [1] 复混肥料是复合肥料和 混合肥料 的统称,由化学方法和物理方法加工而成。 生产复混肥料可以物化施肥技术,提高肥效,减少施肥次数,节省施肥成本。 生产和施用复混肥料引起世界各国的普遍重视。 复混肥 …
SQL Developer Data Modeler Functionality for PK, FK, NK, and …
2016年4月12日 · How can oracle show relationships between tables & identify the true primary keys without having the additional foreign keys in other/said tables. e.g. Product Number, Workflow, Workflow Step are PK in the 'Product Workflow Map' entity but …
Calculate $\\sum_{k=0}^n k \\binom{n}{k} p^k (1-p)^{n-k}$
Let X1, …,Xn X 1, …, X n be independent random variables, each equal to 1 1 with probability p p and to 0 0 with probability 1 − p 1 − p. The probability that exactly k k of them are equal to 1 1 is (n k)pk(1 − p)n−k (n k) p k (1 − p) n − k.
PTA 7-2 国际贸易统计 - 代码先锋网
输入第一行给出一个正整数N(≤104),即参与国际贸易的国家数量,则这些国家从1到N编号。 随后N行,第i行给出编号为i的国家在贸易中卖出商品的记录,格式如下:kN1 P1 ⋯Nk Pk , 其中k (0≤k≤20)是买入商品国家的个数,Ni 是买入商品国家的编号,Pi >0是其买入商品的金额(整数表示,以万元为单位)。 注意:一次贸易对于买入和卖出国家的贸易次数都会增加1次。 按照收入金额从高到低的递减顺序输出每个国家的编号和收入金额(整数表示,以万元为单位)。 每个国 …
Patryk Nowak (@nk_pk) • Instagram profile
9,518 Followers, 1,203 Following, 1,427 Posts - Patryk Nowak (@nk_pk) on Instagram: "📍Katowice MA: @xmanagement_warsaw 🏊🏼♂️former swimmer"
塿土区长期施肥农田土壤的可持续性评价 - plantnutrifert.org
ck、n、nk和pk的可持续性指数分别为0.49、0.54、0.74和0.99,均低于可持续性指数临界值1.30,其中ck和n差异不显著;np和npk处理的可持续性指数分别为1.18和1.26,两者差异不显著,接近于可持续临界值;有机无机配合的处理(snpk、m1npk和m2npk)的可持续性指数差异显著(p0.05),分别为 ...
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