NKL Safes | Cennox Security Products
Choose an NKL Safe as your security solution; our selection ranges from simple coin management safes to the most advanced cash-handling technology available. Our service representatives are available 24/7 to answer your questions or to assist you with support—from initial installation, testing, regular maintenance and upkeep services to ...
NKL Cash Management Safes | Cennox Security Products
Cennox's extensive line of NKL safes can provide the ultimate security solutions. From simple coin management safes to the most advanced technology available, our products can help you optimize your cash management efficiency.
NKL Intellisafe | FireKing Security Group - cennoxsafes.com
Increase checkout security with an NKL Intellisafe. Whether you run a fast-food restaurant or a grocery chain, an NKL Intellisafe offers secure cash storage, access control, and a better way to manage the significant amounts of cash you deal with every day.
NKL D8C -V2RC15 Dispensing & Validating Safes - A1 Quality Safe
These D8C & V2R side by side safes form a small footprint system. Sold and installed as a pair, they include all of the dispensing capabilities of a D8C with all of the validating capabilities of a standard CashCode version V2R.
BSD Series Intelligent Manual Drop Safe BSD2920 - KLSecurity
Our Asset Protection models feature an interior compartment with manual drop drawer, 5-point premium NKL bolt-work hardware, automatic locking detent mechanism, and burglary resistant lock with relocker. Electronics feature positive user identification with electronic key, audit trail, and programmable delay and time lock settings
NKL D8C Autobank Dispensing Safe w/ CPU - A1 Quality Safe
Designed for virtually any type of safe, the AuditLok XLV electronics are used on the D8 Autobank forming one of three dispensing Autobank models. The D8C is a controller unit featuring complete electronics capable of interfacing with and controlling multiple remote bill …
Autobank Dispensing Safe - A1 Quality Safe
D8X Cash Handling safes feature a tube dispensing system, manual drop drawer, 3-point low-profile NKL bolt-work hardware, automatic locking detent mechanism, and burglary resistant lock. The dispensing assembly holds up to 80 tubes (8 columns hold up to 10 tubes each). A tube-lock prevents unauthorized tube loading or fishing.
Conventional Till Safes | Conventional Store Safes | Heathco
Conventional till safes are the entry level for your cash handling needs. These conventional store safes are the perfect solution for making manual drops, storing tills, or controlling door delays. Here’s what you need to know about some of our top options.
Asset Protection | FireKing Security Group - cennoxsafes.com
Our Asset Protection models feature an interior compartment with manual drop drawer, 5-point premium NKL bolt-work hardware, automatic locking detent mechanism, and burglary resistant lock with relocker. Electronics feature positive user identification with electronic key, audit trail, and programmable delay and time lock settings.
Fireking NKL INTELLISAFE SAFE Digital Floor Safe Managers Safe
2023年2月17日 · NKL INTELLISAFE SP20072061. Material. Metal. Suitable For. Money, Valuables, Weapons. ... Unbranded Gun Safe Home Security Safes, Home Security Safes, Freezer Safe Mugs; Shop Top Sellers and Highly Rated Products in Safes. Best Sellers. SentrySafe 1200 Fireproof Safe Box 0.18 cu ft - Black;