Working Together Towards Equality In The Workplace
The National Industry Liaison Group (NILG) is a non-profit organization formed in 1992 for the main purposes of improving communications between the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) and Industry Liaison Groups (ILGs); and, enhancing the quality and overall effectiveness of Industry Liaison Groups.
NILG 2024 National Conference - National Industry Liaison Group
Jul 29, 2024 · The National Industry Liaison Group (NILG) is a non-profit organization formed in 1992 for the main purposes of improving communications between the U.S. Department of …
Aircraft Structural-Life Management Software | NLign Analytics
NLign’s sophisticated aircraft modeling software delivers instant access to fleet-wide data. Visualize accurate and complete 3D models of your as-built and as-maintained aircraft, for a single tail number or over a whole fleet. Every data point engineering and operations need to make confident decisions is in front of you.
NILG 2025 National Conference – National Industry Liaison Group
It is with a heavy heart that we announce the cancellation of the NILG 2025 National Conference. This decision has been made after careful consideration and extensive discussion given the recent changes in our industry and the revocation of Executive Order 11246.
Rapidly Search and Hunt through Linux Forensics Artifacts
ChopChopGo inspired by Chainsaw utilizes Sigma rules for forensics artifact recovery, enabling rapid and comprehensive analysis of logs and other artifacts to identify potential security incidents and threats on Linux. .
NLog is a flexible and free logging platform for various .NET platforms, including .NET standard. NLog makes it easy to write to several targets. (console, file, database, etc.) and change the logging configuration on-the-fly. NLog has support for structured and traditional logging.
nLIGHT | Semiconductor Fiber Lasers
As a pioneering provider of high-power lasers for mission-critical defense systems and advanced manufacturing, we have built a vertically integrated technology stack—from semiconductor …
C# 的 NLog 库高级进阶 - CSDN博客
Jan 20, 2025 · 在 Visual Studio 中,打开 “解决方案资源管理器”,右键点击项目名称,选择 “管理 NuGet 程序包”。 在 NuGet 包管理器的搜索框中,输入 “NLog”,随后在搜索结果中找到 NLog 包,并点击 “安装” 按钮。 NuGet 会自动下载并添加 NLog 的相关依赖项到项目中 。 安装完成后,在需要使用日志记录的 C# 文件中,通过using NLog;语句引入 NLog 命名空间,这样就可以在代码中使用 NLog 提供的各种功能了 。 NLog 的配置通常通过一个 XML 文件(一般命名 …
.NET项目中NLog的配置与使用 - 追逐时光者 - 博客园
Jul 14, 2019 · 当然serilog也是一个不错的日志记录框架哟,不过今天主要还是要讲述的是NLog在项目中的配置和使用。 NLog框架源码: https://github.com/NLog/NLog. 注意:在这里我是专门新建了一个NLog.config 配置文件用来进行独立配置,当然你也可以在web.config中完成相应的配置!