NML Cygni - Wikipedia
NML Cygni is an extremely large and luminous cool supergiant with parameters similar to that of another notable but more extreme cool hypergiant star, VY Canis Majoris, and is also known …
天鹅座NML - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2020年10月6日 · 天鹅座NML ( NML Cygni 或 NML Cyg )是一颗红 特超巨星 [2] ,是目前已知 体积第二大的恒星 ,半径大约是太阳的1650倍。 天鹅座NML也是已知 光度最高的恒星之一 …
NML Cygni: Red Hypergiant in Cygnus - Star Facts
2023年5月2日 · NML Cygni is a red hypergiant star located approximately 5,250 light-years away in the northern constellation Cygnus. With an apparent magnitude of 16.60, the star is well …
天鹅座NML - 百度百科
天鹅座 NML(NML Cygni)是已知体积最大的恒星之一,半径约为1640R⊙。天鹅座 NML 也是已知光度最高的恒星之一,其光度高达 2.72 × 10^5 ± 50000 L☉。
NML Cygni - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
NML Cygni or V1489 Cygni is a red hypergiant star. [1] It is possibly the largest star known, with a radius up to 2,800 times larger than the Sun's. [2] It is one of the brightest supergiant stars. [3] …
NML Cygni Star Facts - Universe Guide
NML Cygni is a giant star located in the constellation of Cygnus, The Swan. It is not part of the Cygnus constellation outline but is within the borders of the constellation. Based on the …
NML Cygni Star: Size, Mass, Diameter, Radius, Temperature, …
2024年2月23日 · NML Cygni, also known as V1489 Cygni, stands as an enigmatic figure in the celestial expanse, captivating astronomers with its colossal presence. Let's delve into the …
NML Cygni | Universe Size Comparison Wiki | Fandom
NML Cygni (V1489 Cygni) is a OH/IR red hypergiant[1][2] star in the constellation of Cygnus. It is among the largest known stars, being 1,464 solar radii, based on a luminosity of 229,000 solar …
天鹅座NML简介 天鹅座NML有多大 天鹅座NML的性质→MAIGOO …
天鹅座 NML(NML Cygni)是已知最大的红特超巨星,也是目前已知半径第二大的恒星。 半径约为 1640 R⊙。 天鹅座 NML 也是已知光度最高的恒星之一,其光度高达 2.72 × 10^5 ± 50000 …
Molecules and Outflows in NML Cygni: New Insights from a 1 mm …
2021年10月18日 · NML Cyg is a luminous hypergiant star, with M ∼ 40 M ⊙ and a mass loss rate of about 10 −4 M ⊙ yr −1 (Nagayama et al. 2008; Schuster et al. 2009). Located near the Cyg …