PowerDivide > Engine-dependent PTO - ZF
The engine-dependent power take-off (PTO) ZF PowerDivide is particularly attractive for commercial vehicles which require very high torques for their auxiliary power units, such as concrete pumps, mobile cranes, fire-fighting vehicles and many more.
NMV Engine-Dependent PTO From: ZF Friedrichshafen AG
May 1, 2013 · ZF introduces its engine-dependent PTO, known as NMV (German abbreviation for "Nebenabtrieb motorabhängig vorgebaut"), which is installed between the transmission and …
Power-take-offs (PTOs) - ZF
ZF PTOs transform commercial vehicles into true specialists for extremely specific tasks. They can flush sewage systems, clean streets, clear snow, mow slopes, work in fire-fighting vehicles, lift heavy loads… Clutch-dependent PTOs are fitted on the output end or laterally on the transmission housing.
Features / Function Engine-dependent PTO for auxiliary power units with high torque, such as concrete pumps, mobile cranes, fire-fighting vehicles, and many more Installed like a ‘sandwich‘ between the engine and the transmission (SAE interface) 628 kW/3,000 Nm on …
Perating Nstructions: Engine-Dependent PTO For ZF-Ecosplit 16 S …
The NMV 221 PTO is integrated in the transmission clutch bell housing (SAE 1 size). The output position is driven by a hollow shaft which contains the main transmission input shaft.
ZF Launches New, Engine-Dependent PTO for AS Tronic Transmissions
Feb 18, 2013 · The new NMV (engine-dependent PTO) provides torques of up to a total of 2,000 Nm at one or two power take-off points and thus doubles the output power compared to the previous clutch-dependent PTOs which ZF has been …
ZF’s NMV pto drive suits high torque applications - World Highways
Mar 11, 2014 · ZF used Conexpo to reveal a production-ready version of its NMV pto gear drive system. Mounted between the engine and transmission of a vehicle, the NMV assembly allows an auxiliary mechanical drive to be engaged without having to …
ZF_Ecosplit_2001_Operating_Instruction.pdf - pdfcoffee.com
• The PTO must always be engaged or disengaged when the engine is running: min. engine speed 600 rpm max. engine speed 2000 rpm • Engine-dependent PTOs can be operated when the vehicle is moving or stationary.
Nebenabtrieb – Wikipedia
Ein Nebenabtrieb (auch als Zapfwelle oder nach der Abkürzung des englischen Begriffs power take-off als PTO bezeichnet) stellt vor allem bei Traktoren sowie Lastkraftwagen und einigen Nutzfahrzeugen eine zumeist zuschaltbare mechanische Antriebsquelle an einem Nebenausgang des Getriebes bereit.
PowerDivide > Motorabhängiger Nebenabtrieb - ZF
Der motorabhängige Nebenabtrieb ZF-PowerDivide ist besonders attraktiv für Nutzfahrzeuge, die für ihre Zusatzaggregate sehr hohe Drehmomente benötigen, wie etwa Mobilkrane, Betonpumpen, Löschfahrzeuge und viele mehr. Der PowerDivide wird als „Sandwich“ zwischen Motor und Getriebe montiert (SAE-Schnittstelle).
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