禁尻十一月 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
禁尻11月 (No Nut November,縮寫 NNN),又稱 NNN挑戰,是一个宣傳 禁欲 的网络運動,這項運動的参与者會在每年11月期间戒除 自慰 [1]。 有一些参与者声称,戒除 射精 和 色情電影 有益身心健康 [2]。 2011年,《市井词典》收錄了No Nut November這一詞條。 2017年,这一运动开始在社交媒体上流行起来 [3]。 它与 Reddit 上的 NoFap 社区有关,该社区鼓励其成员不要自慰 [4]。 Reddit的社区/r/NoNutNovember从2018年11月的1.65万订阅者 [5] 增长到2019年11月的5.2万 …
What is the ‘NNN’ Meme? ‘No Nut November ... - Know Your Meme
2022年10月31日 · NNN is a nifty abbreviation for No Nut November that helps Redditors, Twitter users and other meme creators that want to secretly namedrop the November challenge in code. However, it's easily decipherable given the proper context clues.
25 Best No Nut November Memes To Mark NNN - HumorNama
2024年11月9日 · Have you taken up the No Nut November Challenge? Check out these NNN memes to make the bald man laugh rather than cry.
2025年1月3日 · 十一月戒色大挑战,又叫No Nut November,简称NNN,顾名思义,它表示在每年的11月份,参与挑战的群众必须戒色一个月,否则视为挑战失败。 其影响力可以由P站对此的过度反应来进行评估。 比如,在2019年赛季开始的第一天,也就是11月1日,P站特意发推特嘲讽,说已经有2000万人成为了11月戒色挑战的失败者。 11月2日,挑战开始第2天,P站发文加大了嘲讽力度,说才两天就有一亿人挑战失败,并友情提醒其他人挑战“只剩”29天。 但P站弄错了一 …
The Best Memes From The No Nut November Challenge
2025年3月3日 · The No Nut November memes that circulate on the internet add a humorous twist to this challenge. NNN memes are all about sharing the struggle, tracking how many days participants have abstained, and preparing for the challenge. They also humorously depict the relief or accomplishment of finishing November while adhering to the challenge.
What does NNN mean on TikTok? Viral November trend …
2022年11月2日 · NNN, as it turns out, is an acronym for "No Nut November." It's a viral challenge that shows up every year where those who choose to participate are required to refrain from self-pleasure for the...
No Nut November / NNN: Video Gallery - Know Your Meme
nnn meme no nut november regular show meme nnn regular show meme regular show no nut november meme regular show nnn meme regular show no nut november regular show nnn ...
NNN Slander - YouTube
Song: https://youtu.be/97yq7-bSU0w?list=PLFG2uMwwfSFYD8ZRqIkKoczW9--OWX9ZJCreated with Clipchamp and Bandicam.#nnn #nonutnovembermemes #slander #funny #meme ...
NNN on TikTok - What Does It Mean? - Insta Bios
2024年11月7日 · NNN stands for “No Nut November,” a challenge where participants commit to abstaining from “nutting” – a slang term for orgasming – throughout the entire month of November. But why is this challenge trending, and what’s TikTok’s role in it? The NNN challenge blends self-control, meme culture, and social commentary.
What is the No Nut November (NNN) 2024 challenge ... - The …
2024年11月1日 · If it wasn’t clear to you or you’ve been living under a rock, No Nut November, or NNN in 2024 as it’s stylized on sites like Reddit and X, is a straightforward idea in which males refrain from m*sturbating for the whole month.
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