禁尻十一月 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
禁尻11月 (No Nut November,縮寫 NNN),又稱 NNN挑戰,是一个宣傳 禁欲 的网络運動,這項運動的参与者會在每年11月期间戒除 自慰 [1]。 有一些参与者声称,戒除 射精 和 色情電影 有益身心健康 [2]。 2011年,《市井词典》收錄了No Nut November這一詞條。 2017年,这一运动开始在社交媒体上流行起来 [3]。 它与 Reddit 上的 NoFap 社区有关,该社区鼓励其成员不要自慰 [4]。 Reddit的社区/r/NoNutNovember从2018年11月的1.65万订阅者 [5] 增长到2019年11月的5.2万 …
No Nut November - Wikipedia
No Nut November, also known as and abbreviated to NNN, is an annual internet challenge of sexual abstinence and not masturbating during the month of November. It originated in 2011 and grew in popularity among male users of social media during and after 2017.
top 100 100 nn models +yandex — Yandex:found 928 results
100 Top NN Models refer to the most influential and widely used neural network (NN) models that have significantly advanced the field of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML).
2022年7月20日 · 十一月戒色大挑战,又叫 No Nut November,简称NNN,顾名思义,它表示在每年的11月份,参与挑战的群众必须戒色一个月,否则视为挑战失败。 11月戒色挑战让P站股价暴跌(P站没有股票) 其影响力可以由P站对此的过度反应来进行评估。 比如,在2019年赛季开始的第一天,也就是11月1日, P站特意发推特嘲讽,说已经有2000万人成为了11月戒色挑战的失败者。 11月2日,挑战开始第2天,P站发文加大了嘲讽力度,说才两天就有一亿人挑战失败,并友情 …
No Nut November 2023 - Reddit
2022年11月14日 · For mobile Reddit users, tap on the three dots next to the top searchbar, and tap on "Change User Flair" on the menu. I nutted on [day] November. Can I make up for it by not nutting until [day] December? No. We don't observe the redemption rule anymore. If you nut in November, then you're out. How do I receive the Diamond NoNutter flair?
My tips on how to survive NNN. : r/nonutnovember - Reddit
2020年11月1日 · My tips on how to survive NNN. As a 2 year veteran I can say NNN has been an amazing part in my life, and I think it has changed me for the better. As of today Nov 1,2020 I've been on a 391 day streak since October 8th,2019. And that was because I was so hyped I had to start early and just kept going ever since.
How To Survive No Nut November - REMOJO
There are two main schools of thought within the NNN community regarding how to effectively prep for a month without nutting. On one side you have the 'nut until you can't' crowd that promotes nutting as much as possible before the November deadline.
NNN Named Top 10 REIT at Dividend Channel With 5.48% Yield
15 小时之前 · NNN REIT Inc (Symbol: NNN) has been named as a Top 10 Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT), according to Dividend Channel, which published its most recent ''DividendRank'' report. The report noted ...
2019年10月29日 · Welcome to the official NNN page owned by the Nut Ascension Consortium (NAC). Countdown. Rules Obligatory Rules. You must not nut. No negotiations. Opt-In Rules. These are recommended, because although they will make the experience more difficult, they will decrease your chances of being provoked.
GitHub - jarun/nnn: n³ The unorthodox terminal file manager
nnn (n³) is a full-featured terminal file manager. It's tiny, nearly 0-config and incredibly fast. It is designed to be unobtrusive with smart workflows to match the trains of thought. nnn can analyze disk usage, batch rename, launch apps and pick files.
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