what do flat t waves mean on an ekg? - HealthTap
2018年2月1日 · What do "slightly flat" S/T waves mean on a routine EKG? Hello doctors, what does st/t wave changes mean on an ekg? What does diagnosis on EKG of "t wave amplitude increase on anterior leads" mean? What does an EKG 12-lead impression: non-specific st t wave abnormality mean?I i just need to know what this test result means.
sinus rhythm ecg non specific t wave abnormality what does
2019年6月25日 · Maybe normal: T wave changes are very non-specific, meaning there is specific cause. They can occur with hyperventilation, anxiety, drinking hot or cold beverages, and positional changes. They should be interpreted keeping the symptoms, patient history and physical exam in mind.
What does ecg report saying t wave inversion in iii & avf means.
2019年1月31日 · Nonspecific: The t wave is more commonly upright in those leads; when it is upside down (a negative deflection), it is inverted. T wave inversion in leads iii and avf can represent normal findings, but in the appropriate clinical setting, can indicate that further evaluation of the heart is needed.
just got results from an ekg i had & it says nonspecific t wave ...
2021年10月31日 · 22/M/ High cholesterol. Went to the ER for racing heart beat And some shortness of breath. After ekg, blood work, and chest x ray I was told anxiety. EKG result says non specific t wave abnormality. Borderline ecg. Why wasnt I told about this? HELP? Does a normal EKG and normal blood test mean my heart is okay? I'm a sixteen year old female ...
what does nonspecific t abnormalities on lateral leads mean
2018年8月3日 · Truly: nothing!!: Non-specific t waves changes are just what they sound like: non-specific! they can be normal for you or caused by anything such as hyperventilation, low potassium, magnesium, calcium; they can come and go. …
Ekg says normal sinus rhythm, nonspecific st abnormality
2021年1月6日 · Vent 82, pr 134, qrs 80 qt/qtc 378/441, p-r-t 58/50/53. Whats this mean? ECG reads Normal sinus rhythm, T wave abnormality, consider inferior ischemia abnormal ecg. What does this mean? I got an ECG and I don't know how to understand the results...it says "technically unsatisfactory Normal sinus rhythm T wave abnormality, consider inferior ...
St and t wave abnormality - HealthTap
abnormal ekg yesterday: ekg interpretation your value sinus tachycardia nonspecific st and t wave abnormality abnormal. inverted t waves have replaced nonspecific t wave abnormality in inferior leads. should i be concerned?: : While changes on ekg …
Resting EKG shows sinus rhythm with nonspecific ST and T wave …
went to er yesterday for upper back pain and they did an ekg. my result was sinus rhythm, possible left atrial enlargement, nonspecific t wave abnormality, prolonged qtis this something i should be worried about? they didnt bring it up to me at er?: : Such changes are typically followed on with your primary care doc in
normal sinus rhythm nonspecific t wave abnormality abnormal ecg …
2021年9月19日 · Non-specific T wave abnormality is common and its significance is often unclear unless accompanied by a history and other findings suggestive of a heart problem. It is not clear why you the ECG done. My advice to you is not to be alarmed BUT have your doctor evaluate you with a detailed history including family history, examination etc ...
ecg reads normal sinus rhythm, t wave abnormality, consider …
2022年11月30日 · T wave abnormalities on an EKG is a very nonspecific finding. Ischemia refers to changes produced by coronary artery disease. At your age& with no cardiac discomfort with exercise, ischemia is extremely unlikely. If you've had prior EKGs it would be helpful to see if similar T wave morphology was present then.