No Yay - TV Tropes
That's No Yay. Implied sexual tension, intentional or otherwise, between two (or more) characters to make the average fan reach for the Brain Bleach, for reasons such as pedophilic overtones, incest, Unequal Pairings, or Sexual Harassment and Rape Tropes. If one half of the pairing is a Memetic Molester, this is likely to occur.
The Yes-Damn Effect and the No-Yay Effect - MeyerPerin
2024年3月20日 · It’s called the “No-Yay Effect.” As you become more experienced, you learn that you need to say “no” sometimes. You can’t do everything, and you can’t do everything well. But saying “no” is hard. You immediately see the disappointment of the person you’re saying “no” to, but you may not see the benefit to you.
为什么美国议会表决时不说「yes/no」,而说「yae/nay」? - 知乎
美国议会在进行口头表决/Voice Vote时,不说“Yes/No”,也不说“Yea/Nay”,而说“Aye/No”。 从这一点来说,包括最高赞在内的相当多的答案都是不准确的。
NoYay / Western Animation - TV Tropes
In The Venture Bros., the Interrupted Intimacy between Dr. Venture and Dr. Quymn is No Yay, if you interpret the episode as subtly hinting that they are half-siblings. In-universe, Dr. Venture has his own reasons for being squicked out in hindsight:
yay - Arch Linux 中文维基
Yay 是一个适用于Arch Linux的命令行软件,主要用于帮助用户从Arch User Repository (AUR)构建和安装软件包。 它可以做的事情包括: 自动解决软件包间的依赖关系。 动态地搜索、编译和构建包。 安装与管理 AUR中的包。 警告: Arch Linux 不对 AUR 助手引发的问题提供支持。 您应熟悉 自行构建过程 以准备好解决遇到的问题。 在开始之前,请确保您已安装 base-devel 包 git 包. 安装base-devel, git: 克隆 yay 源码: 如果你在中国构建yay,强烈建议你克隆 yay-bin 而非 yay。
NoYay / Anime & Manga - TV Tropes
Kusuko's insane father is a powder box merchant who enslaves low-born young women and sells them to men to be abused.
《蜘蛛侠3》正式定名“No Way Home”,网友各种翻译 - 知乎
no way 表示“没有路”,后面的 home 表示“家”。 There’s no way home. 可见,这个 home 是一个副词,表示“往家的方向”,充当状语。 这句话的直译是“没有回家的路”、“回不了家”,但很明显,不像是电影片名。 网友们也大开脑洞,纷纷提供了自己的译名。 : 1. “中国特色组” 上面这组翻译结合时事,是不是很有中国特色啊... 《就地过年》、《二维码是红》、《核酸阳性》…嗯,我们会心一笑,确实回不了家了... 2. “语文课代表组” 上面这组的译者在高中肯定当过语文课代表,翻得太 …
What? No, no "YAY!" (Despicable Me 2) #shorts - YouTube
#shorts #despicableme No Yay!
No Yay - All The Tropes
2024年9月8日 · That's No Yay. Implied sexual tension, intentional or otherwise, between two (or more) characters to make the average fan reach for the Brain Bleach. Essentially, the shipping version of Fan Disservice. Please note that an implied relationship between two consenting, equal adults is not No Yay.
archlinux安装yay和微信 - merrynuts - 博客园
2024年5月31日 · 4.设置好yay源后,通过下面命令整体更新一下: sudo pacman -Syyuu. 如果只想更新源,去掉uu。 5.安装yay. sudo pacman -S yay. 6.安装微信(不要以root身份安装) yay -S wechat-universal-privileged