李-恩菲尔德No.4 Mk.I(T)狙击步枪 ——〖枪炮世界〗
在 1942 年 2 月,英国定型了一种 No.4 步枪的狙击型 No.4 Mk.I(T) , “T”是瞄准镜 telescopic sight 的缩写, 这是在通过精度测试挑选出来的量产型 No.4 Mk.I 步枪上安装贴腮板和瞄准镜而成。
李-恩菲尔德No.4步枪 ——〖枪炮世界〗
由于英军提出需要一种新的狙击步枪, 在1942年2月,英国又定型了一种在No.4 Mk.I上增加瞄准镜而成的No.4 Mk.I (T)狙击步枪。 No.4 Mk.I*步枪与英国生产的步枪基本相同,但简化了枪机卡榫的设计;立框式表尺被取消,改为一个有两个位置的L形翻转式表尺,射程分别装定在300码和600码;枪管内的膛线由原来的5条减少到只有2条;此外 标准件的生产公差也尽量放宽, 以求在保证质量的前提下尽可能提高生产速度。 不过尽管是如此的简化,但北美生产的步枪在战争中的表 …
2019年4月20日 · “李·恩菲尔德”No.4(T)步枪的远距离射击性能良好,训练良好的狙击手可有效对付360米以外的目标。 根据西线作战的英军经验,使用“李·恩菲尔德”No.4(T)步枪在360米左右一般可保证命中目标头部,但超过这一距离只能保证命中目标躯干,而在意大利作战 ...
Lee Enfield No. 4(T) Sniper Rifle - Firearms News
2019年10月11日 · Lee Enfield No. 4 Mk. 1 (T) Specifications. Action Type: Manual rotating bolt with rear locking lugs; Caliber: .303 British; Capacity: 10 round detachable box magazine; Barrel: 25 inches 1-10 inch twist ; Overall Length: 44.5 inches; Weight: 9 pounds without optic; Stock: hardwood; Finish: Enamel over phosphate; Trigger: standard military two-stage
BRITISH NO4 MK1 (T) - Sniper Central
2020年3月23日 · The British No4 Mk1 (T) was the primary sniper rifle used by the British and Canadian forces during the second world war. It was based off of the SMLE rifle and modified by Holland and Holland in preparation for sniping use. The No4 Mk1 (T) saw extensive combat use during the war on every front where there were British or Canadian troops located.
1944 Enfield No.4 Mk1 (T) Sniper Rifle - milsurps.com
2006年10月13日 · Every well-dressed No.4(T) has: a No.15 wooden transport chest; a No.8 scope case and leather strap or No.8 MK.2 rubberized canvas sleeve; a canvas protective case that is too small for a rifle with scope; a Scout Regiment ‘pirate-style’ draw tube telescope; a small tin cleaning kit; and a World War I dated American M1907 leather sling.
The British No. 4(T) | An Official Journal Of The NRA
2011年12月22日 · Many argue that the No. 4(T) was the best sniper rifle fielded by any of the combatant nations in World War II, and it may well have been. It was a tough and accurate rifle, but was not without...
The Lee-Enfield No. 4 MK1 (T) Sniper Rifle - GUNS Magazine
The Lee-Enfield No. 4 Mk 1 (T) sniper rifle with which my buddy was shot was arguably the most refined precision combat rifle used during World War II. It was the ultimate evolutionary iteration of the original 19th-century Lee-Metford bolt-action infantry rifle.
2019年8月22日 · Britain created World War II’s most effective sniper rifle starting with the war’s best bolt-action battle rifle. Elite marksmen used the No. 4 Mk I (T) sniper with skill and cunning and quickly dominated the battlefield. "The Matchless Enfield" tells the story of the No. 4 sniper rifle and how it was developed and used.
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I Have This Old Gun: British Lee-Enfield No. 4 (T) Sniper Rifle
2019年2月7日 · Converted into No. 4 (T)s from the most accurate No. 4s to roll off the Enfield factory line, the No. 4 (T) served as Britain's trustworthy sniper rifle, in one configuration or another,...
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