manufacture manual and automatic slicers for professional use
The mission of Noaw Srl, from over 40 years, is to plan and to manufacture manual and automatic slicers for professional use always seeking the excellence in the product.
Gravity feed slicers and automatic slicers - Noaw
Simple line, Gravity feed slicer. Blade diameter mm.250. Simple but robust and functional. The new Simple line Noaw provides excellent performance at a very special price. Entirely in …
Straight feed slicer and fully automatic slicer - Noaw
Noaw / Straight feed slicer and fully automatic slicer The vertical slicers for cold cuts are essential for those who want to slice cold cuts easily and precisely, guaranteeing slices with adjustable …
Gravity feed slicer - 30E - Noaw
Noaw / Gravity feed slicers and automatic slicers / Gravity feed slicer – 30E. Gravity feed slicer – 30E. Gravity feed slicer 45°. Blade diameter 300 mm. Model 30E has been designed for small …
Gravity feed slicer - 350GI/CL - Noaw
Noaw / Gravity feed slicers and automatic slicers / Gravity feed slicer – 350GI/CL. Gravity feed slicer – 350GI/CL. Gravity feed slicer. Blade diameter 350 mm. With a larger base than the …
Trancheurs a gravité and automatic slicer - Noaw
Simple line, Trancheurs à gravité. Couteau 250 mm. Simple mais robuste et fonctionnelle. La nouvelle gamme SIMPLE de Noaw offre d’excellentes performances à un prix très spécial. …
Affettatrici professionali italiane: Noaw progetta, produce e vende affettatrici professionali manuali e automatiche dal 1972.
Noaw, fabriquer des trancheuses automatiques et manuelles pour …
NOAW SRL, société Italienne, fabricant de trancheuses professionnelles depuis 1972, est un leader mondial pour la production des produits adaptés à tous les types de coupe.
Affettatrici a gravità ad uso professionale e semi-professionale.
Simple line, affettatrice a gravità. Diametro Lama 250 mm. Semplice ma robusta e funzionale. La nuova linea Simple di Noaw garantisce una ottima performance ad un prezzo davvero …
Flywheel Slicer - Noaw
Produzione affettatrici manuali ed automatiche, a volano. - Flywheel slicers are indispensable for those who want to slice meat, cold cuts and cheeses quickly and evenly. Commonly used in …