Nocom - 2b2t Wiki
2024年11月3日 · Nocom was an exploit used by Nerds Inc from 2018 to 2021. Considered to be the most severe exploit in 2b2t history, it began when a server lagging/crashing exploit...
nocom-explanation/README.md at main · nerdsinspace/nocom ... - GitHub
2021年7月7日 · The exploit allows us to ask 2b2t "Is the block at this coordinate in a currently loaded chunk?" and get an immediate yes or no answer. If the chunk is loaded, 2b2t replies telling you the block at that coordinate (like: "x=0 y=0 z=0 is …
《Minecrat》黑客用漏洞外挂统治「2B2T」长达 3 年,如今终告一 …
2021年8月3日 · 《Minecraft》最知名的无政府服务器「2B2T」被许多人称为生存环境最恶劣的世界,该服务器自 2010 年设立以来还未重置过,且充满着外挂骚扰者(griefers)等威胁,更曾有过不少重大的攻击事件。 根据海外玩家纪录,有一群黑客利用服务器漏洞与 AI 学习程序,对 2B2T 进行无情的劫掠统治达 3 年之久,直到今年 7 月才终于解套。 在 2B2T 服务器,有不少玩家都会使用修改版本的外挂客户端,以帮助他们在这个服务器生存下来。 不过比这更厉害的是,根据 …
How the nocom exploit ruined thousands of 2b2t bases
2024年10月20日 · In 2018, two well-known 2b2t players, Ox22 and BubbaJ, discovered a way to crash 2b2t by loading thousands of chunks at once. Instead of abusing this crash exploit right away, they realized it could be turned into something much more dangerous, after tricking Hausemaster to report the bug to the developers of popular server software PaperMC.
2b2t Nocom Coordinate Finder - GitHub Pages
Click on the nocom map on the left to update coords below. You can drag the map around and zoom in/out using the scroll wheel. You can also manually enter pixel values or coords below. You should search ±400 blocks in every direction when base hunting. Supports: X(-245760 to +245759), Z (-138240 to +138239) Pixel X: . Pixel Y: . Nether Coordinates:
2b2t Nocom Coordinate Finder : r/2b2t - Reddit
2021年9月10日 · Its a quick 10 minute hack job so the map isn't automatically linked to the coord calculations. Oh well. EDIT: Now it is linked. How to use: Just tested this and found two griefed bases pretty easily: PS: I need shulkers with rockets, any friendly player want to give me some at spawn :) Is the website still up? Yeah it's linked in OP.
2b2t Nocom Coordinate Finder - CodePen
2b2t Nocom Coordinate Finder - CodePen ... Edit Pen
No Comment (2b2t) - EverybodyWiki Bios & Wiki
2023年10月30日 · No Comment, also known as nocom, is a Minecraft PaperMC Server software exploit that appeared in the 196th build. It allows players to query the server for any block in any loaded chunk, even if it is outside their render distance .
CodePen - 2b2t Nocom Coordinate Finder - GitHub Pages
Click on the nocom map on the left to update coords below. You can drag the map around and zoom in/out using the scroll wheel. You can also manually enter pixel values or coords below. You should search ±400 blocks in every direction when base hunting. Supports: X(-245760 to +245759), Z (-138240 to +138239) Pixel X: . Pixel Y: . Nether Coordinates:
Nocom - Constantiam Wiki
2023年11月7日 · Nocom was a coordinate exploit used primarily on 2b2t by a group called Nerds Inc. to track players on anarchy servers. The exploit saw minimal use on Constantiam but some players were still affected.