GitHub - redis/node-redis: Redis Node.js client
"redis" is the "whole in one" package that includes all the other packages. If you only need a subset of the commands, you can install the individual packages. See the list below.
node-redis/README.md at master - GitHub
"redis" is the "whole in one" package that includes all the other packages. If you only need a subset of the commands, you can install the individual packages. See the list below.
GitHub - redis/ioredis: A robust, performance-focused, and full ...
A robust, performance-focused and full-featured Redis client for Node.js. Supports Redis >= 2.6.12. Completely compatible with Redis 7.x. ioredis is a stable project and maintenance is done on a best-effort basis for relevant issues (contributions to ioredis will still be evaluated, reviewed, and merged when they benefit the project).
node-redis/docs/client-configuration.md at master - GitHub
Redis Node.js client. Contribute to redis/node-redis development by creating an account on GitHub.
GitHub - redis/redis-om-node: Object mapping, and more, for …
Redis OM (pronounced REDiss OHM) makes it easy to add Redis to your Node.js application by mapping the Redis data structures you know and love to simple JavaScript objects.
GitHub - mike-marcacci/node-redlock: A node.js redlock …
This is a node.js implementation of the redlock algorithm for distributed redis locks. It provides strong guarantees in both single-redis and multi-redis environments, and provides fault tolerance through use of multiple independent redis instances or clusters.
Releases: redis/node-redis - GitHub
⚠️ This is an alpha/pre-release version. DO NOT USE IN PRODUCTION! 🚀 New Features feat (auth): add Entra ID identity provider integration for Redis client authentication by …
node-redis/CHANGELOG.md at master - GitHub
2021年10月17日 · This is the biggest release that node_redis had since it was released in 2010. A long list of outstanding bugs has been fixed, so we are very happy to present you redis 2.0 …
Node Redis - GitHub
node-redis-parser Public A high performance Redis protocol (RESP) parser for JavaScript. Used by Node Redis & ioredis.
GitHub - stockholmux/node_redis: redis client for node
redis - a node.js redis client This is a complete and feature rich Redis client for node.js. It supports all Redis commands and focuses on high performance. Install with: